Published: 10/20/2009 - Updated: 09/29/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
A pregnant woman should ensure that this moment is one of the most enjoyable of her life, so the baby develops in the best possible conditions. Diet, exercise and mindset of the mother are essential factors in this period to create a better quality environment for your baby, so you must try to get pregnant with a healthy body and a better state of harmony.
High blood pressure (hypertension)
However, many times the mother may suffer from diseases like hypertension, a condition that is harmful and unwise at this time of gestation which is also a silent disease that is not noticed, and which may surprise when the mother is already became pregnant, a condition that can result in premature detachment of placenta, maternal kidney damage, discomfort or even fetus distress.
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a condition that occurs when blood moves through your arteries at a pressure higher than normal. Generally, the pressure is measured with numerical figures 120/80. The first number refers to systolic blood pressure, and 120 is the highest value of blood pressure, which occurs when the heart pumps blood out. The second number is the diastolic pressure, which is the normal pressure when your heart is filling with blood, relaxing between beats.
It is normal to have a blood pressure 120/80, or less, when the pressure rises to 140/90 or more, then it is considered hypertension if blood pressure is between 120/80 and 140/90, you have something called "pre-hypertension".
A woman who wants a baby or already have become pregnant should review constantly this pressure under normal conditions. If anything is detected an increase, she can help with many natural remedies to help her to have and maintain a normal blood pressure. For these remedies, you must first know what causes high blood pressure:
Causes of High blood pressure
- Excess weight: 90% of cases it decreases as the patient regains her weight. If you are prone to hypertension, weight gain is likely to trigger during pregnancy. Therefore, you should review your constant pressure.
- Emotional states such as stress, anxiety or excessive pressure, causing the pressure to rise. Usually, there are personality characteristics of hypertensive individuals, which tend to be perfectionists, and very ambitious, judgmental, demanding, are taken very seriously life, or have deep resentments.
- Diet excessive in meat and refined sugars: meat, sausage and refined sugars stimulate the heart and circulation up to 27%, while food more abundantly in fresh vegetables makes just 6%. This means that meat requires more energy expenditure and body work.
- Problems in glandular malfunction of the pituitary could cause increased blood pressure, as can happen in people suffering from thyroid.
Generally, this condition does not have obvious symptoms, it is said to be a silent disease that can be evident at any time, usually presents with a cardiovascular problem.
Natural Remedies
- Diet: if diets are important throughout life, at this time their importance is growing. If you have hypertension and are pregnant, it is best to seek to eliminate as soon as possible breads and refined sugars, meat and dairy animal origin of animal origin. The best is without doubt a diet rich in fresh vegetables, steamed vegetables, and foods rich in protein and minerals such as cereals. In your food diet you must include seaweed, amaranth, soy, brewer's yeast, pollen, fruits (not combined with other foods), vegetable, oats, sesame, etc. All these foods are rich in nutrients and high quality. If you have questions about your diet, always go to a professional.
- Relax: serving your emotional world and try to read things that make you understand life in different ways gives more confidence and inner peace. This, above all, is a good time to feed yourself with a new vision of life, with which you can nurture your baby later. If it costs you to be calm, it is best that you go to take some classes like yoga for pregnant or hydrotherapy sessions or special massage for you. This will help you release tension and also your relax body and enjoy becoming more elastic and strong, which can help during childbirth. Remember that your mental and emotional attitude has much to do with spasms, pain and others.
- Care for your kidneys: often, kidney malfunction causes of hypertension. For this reason, you should brush your skin well (which is a second kidney) to help the body purge toxins and excess fat.
- Avoid tight or irritating environments, such as common noisy or heated emotional atmosphere.
- Prepare fresh vegetable smoothies like this: Blend parsley, a celery, a cup of carrot juice and a handful of alfalfa sprouts. Drink without straining, chewing necessary. Add a little water if you feel it very thick. This juice will help you strengthen your blood vessels and is an excellent tonic for your circulatory system.
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