Haridayam, school of Yoga, Reiki and Meditation
"This heart is not the physical organ, or the chakra of yoga, but as a thumb to the right half of the chest. Haridayam is called and is on the right side of the chest, clearly visible to the eye of the adept on the spiritual path. With meditation you can learn to find the Self in the cavity of the spiritual heart … "Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Haridayam is a School of Yoga, Reiki and Meditation which has branches in Reus and Amposta. The Center is directed by Sherabad Lamo & ; Yogendra
Here will train teachers for:
Different types of Yoga:
- Integral Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga (Yogi Bhajan Line)
- Aquarian Yoga
Reiki classes:
- Komyo Reiki (Reverend Hyakuten Transmission Inamoto, Japan)
- Usui Shiki Ryoho Tibetan
- Usui Shiki Ryoho Japanese
- BioReiki
In addition:
- Crystal Healers
- Reiki Healers
- Pranic Healers (Line M. Choa Kok Sui)
The Center is also a training site professionals, teaches Yoga:
- Integral Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga
- AquarianYoga
- Creativity
- Concentration
- Relaxation
- Silent Meditation
- Interior Therapeutic Meditation
- Conscious Breathing
Unions are also Courses and Reiki Training:
- Traditional JapaneseKaruna Reiki
- BioReikiKomyo
- Reiki.
Gem therapy
Crystals work through vibration and resonance. To get the most out of your application must receive adequate training. The crystals are used in modern medical practices for their piezoelectric ability, which means that compressing, it can produce electricity and sometimes light. The machines used ultrasonic piezoelectric crystals to produce sound waves. A highly focused beam of ultrasound can cauterize wounds deep in the body and break tumors. The shamans and healers are familiar with these approaches the crystalline properties of light and sound vibrations to create a healing beam. The ancient healers also knew that while some crystals are soothing or energizing, and others simultaneously heal body and stimulates the sloth hyperactive.
(The Bible of Crystals, ed. Gaia)
What diseases can be treated from the Gem therapy?
According a holistic view of life, all diseases without exception are, originally, an expression of an imbalance in our state of consistency between our soul and our personality. Sometimes behind a repressed desire for change at the family level, social issues, that is required by our spiritual essence, and whose symptoms known as Spiritual Emergency. All this, over time, can affect our health as well as on the physiological and emotional mind. It is an excellent complement to any traditional treatment allopath or other complementary therapies.
General applications:
- Harmonization and chakra healing (1)
- Rebalancing Aura
- Balancing emotional and physical relaxation
- Connection with the soul
- Overcoming anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress , fears.
(1) Chakra: spiritual energy, center of consciousness. Each chakra is directly related to a major natural endocrine glands.
Can anyone be treated using this therapy?
Yes, understand that was itself generated by the imbalance, which has given rise to disease or pathology and is willing to be involved as much as possible in the healing process. This involves the awareness of the changes in the way of perceiving reality, the process of healing can bring you. The therapy applied in all the spiritual healing practices easily promotes the emergence of states of consciousness deep enough to perceive with some clarity the needs of our soul.
How is it done?
A basic treatment required for at least 5 to 8 sessions. Each session is approximately 1 h 30 min. Sessions are weekly at first. It is recommended to keep an eye on changes in perceptions that may occur between sessions in order to integrate them into the next session.
After the first sessions, the patient is more active and dynamic, from finding the keys inside for healing physical, mental and spiritual.
This system that we apply in HARIDAYAM is supported by the application, in the same session, the techniques of REIKI, HEALING PRANIC, yoga and meditation being integrated into a holistic system of healing which we call generically as SPIRITUAL HEALING.
Hatha Yoga
The objectives of Hatha Yoga (Physical Yoga) are the same as any other system of yoga, but in this variant of yoga more attention is paid to what we have close and are more obvious, as is the physical body and control of breathing.
Promotes especially good flexibility of the joints and spine, with its studied physical exercises which, combined with the conscious control of breathing, provide it with exceptional results.
This yoga practice can be a very quiet, which can be accessed at any age.
Kundalini Yoga
Its practice is based on series of physical exercises combined with mudras, the positions of the hands that trigger energy meridians that traditional Chinese medicine describes perfectly and also with specific breathing exercises and mantras .
This series of exercises known as Kriya, are actions aimed at achieving specific results, e.g. fostering creativity, relaxation, a better response from the glandular system in general, and so on.
Puts more emphasis on breathing and strengthening the nervous system, which is extremely necessary in the current way of life in our society. Flexibility is achieved in parallel with the practice, we work hard to achieve, but it arrives.
It is considered one of the most powerful yogic practices, with more effective and faster results. Teachers say it is 16 times faster than any other system of Yoga and purify our energy system that quickly and deeply, awakening and increasing the "flow" of psychic energy in our energy system.
Mantras: words and phrases whose vibration in our brain immediately trigger the responses of the endocrine glands, improving their business, increasing our responsiveness to the world, our alert stress free …
Tibetan Reiki
Reiki Shiki Ryoho Tibetan is distinguished from the Japanese that basically includes, at the level of Shinpiden (Master / Teacher and Initiator) The Tibetan Master symbol, DaiKoMyo or the Tibetan Dumo.
There are five symbols like the Reiki Japanese, but they are interpreted a little differently.
The five symbols up five levels of consciousness that progressively duality is based on the reality of our material world. These five symbols, combined, lead to the disintegration of our false ego, to achieve and express our true nature, the Buddhist Nature. Originally Reiki symbols were not used for physical healing, as the Buddhist monks did not consider important the physical body. Were used solely to facilitate the induction of states of consciousness leading to enlightenment. Five levels of Wisdom and culminating in leading the Light.
Haridayam School of Yoga, Reiki and Meditation
Avinguda Dr. Vilaseca 8 – 43202 REUS
C / Fortuny, 20 – 43550 AMPOSTA