Grape: medicinal uses and diet weight loss
Grapes are a very nutritious food, as they mature, are rich in vitamins A, B, C, contain natural sugar which is healthy muscle fuel in many bodily functions including brain, in addition to the glucose is abundant in the blood plasma. This fruit, sweet and juicy, contains iron, copper and manganese, an essential component of hemoglobin. The grape is a fruit that stands out for the match which takes the form of lecithin.
Medicinal Properties
And natural fresh juice of this fruit is easy and fast in digestion. The grape has diuretic properties and potassium salts that stimulate the secretion of urine. For its high content of cellulose also has laxative properties, provides the muscle power and facilitates the ability to function. The grape also has cleansing and detoxifying properties and is a good builder of glucose for being high in vitamins.
This is a highly caloric food, half a kilo of grapes provide over 400 calories. But do not be scared, even if you eat a kilo or two, this food is not fattening but on the contrary, will help drain the biliary tract, allowing a thorough cleansing of toxic and will provide energy without the effects of overweight.
Grapes to help various diseases
It has been scientifically proven that grapes possess properties to prevent sclerosis and cancer. It is also a food that helps in cases of acute fever, especially to help lower or control fever in cases of smallpox, chickenpox, measles, etc. The treatment for this is done alternating a glass of juice of fresh grapes with a lemon juice (10 lemons using) for 2 days. Begin one morning in fasting with lemon juice and wait two hours for the grape juice. Then we have to wait two hours to swallow the lemon again. This remedy will help to further the prompt and efficient recovery of these diseases or alleviate the annoying symptoms that cause these.
The grape is also recommended for chronic cases of dermatitis, psoriasis and ezcemas, but here the recovery may take longer depending on the body of every person. However, if carried out with the grape cure, recovery can be achieved. In this case, use the pulp and juice grapes, fresh and natural, preferably organic. This juice has powerful energy radiation that is one of the best for its high antitumor substance, i.e. remaining acidity in the blood.
Diet to lose weight and detoxify the body
The grape is one of the ideal foods to cleanse the body and lose weight. The following is a diet that takes advantage of the grapes to achieve a healthy and slim body.
Benefits of diet and general recommendations before you start
- This diet is recommended if the grape is abundant, usually in late summer and early autumn.
- The basis of this diet is fresh and natural grapes, so you have to find preference for organic or some good quality.
- This diet is not recommended for those suffering from diabetes or kidney stones.
- Due to its diuretic properties, you should only do this diet for one week, during which time it is necessary to eat a lot of natural water to prevent dehydration.
- After three or four months, you can go back to the diet.
- This diet produces no sensation of hunger or fatigue, which is rich in vitamins and glucose.
- This diet is recommended for those suffering from fluid retention.
- Grapes can be either red, green or black.
- This diet is recommended for sedentary people and those who consume excessive calories or canned, fried or greasy, the food.
- The grapes refine the body, since they are diuretic and laxative, besides having a detoxifying effect.
- For its high potassium content, this diet is ideal for heart patients or people taking diuretics or laxatives chemicals.
It is quite simple: during a week eat whole grapes, with seeds, peel and pulp. The quantity is one kilogram per day or up to one and a half, and we must distribute amounts during the day as follows:
- At mid-morning, after breakfast
- One hour after eating dinner
- Before sleep
It is important not to combine with any other food. The weight you lose with this diet is approximately between 2 and 4 kilos, and it restores the body, nourishes and cleanses.