Granada Naturist Center
The philosophy in the Naturist Center of Granada is based on two streams of thought: The thought of health education, and thinking respect for natural laws. The practical application of these thoughts is the proper use of available natural resources: the earth, sun, air, water, plants, food, exercise, positive thinking and personal growth.
Center began operations in October 1980 in Granada, as a pioneering center in alternative techniques, naturopathy, natural medicine, acupuncture and manual techniques. Over the years there has been an evolution in the scientific application of different techniques that are developed in this center.
The current techniques
Naturopathy: Naturopathy means "natural healing" and includes all the therapeutic modalities that guide the human body to its original state of integrity. Naturopathy uses natural sources, which advocates attribute their an inherent healing power . The naturopath employs remedies for external use, such as drugs or surgery, but uses methods such as fasting, hydrotherapy, massage, therapy with vitamins and minerals, vegetarian diets, health foods, herbs, mud wraps and exercise. Naturopathy focuses on the etiology of the disease. The goal of therapy is to reverse or eliminate the causes of the disease offering each individual a treatment. The standard treatments are often combined. Today, naturopathy is being widely accepted and in fact many students from schools follow courses similar to those followed by students in traditional medical schools.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique based on the stimulation of more than 360 points in the human body to restore the balance between different chemical compounds. It applies to the treatment of varied conditions, such as chronic pain, drug addiction, arthritis and mental illness. Chinese doctors also treat other diseases with acupuncture, for example, peptic ulcer, hypertension, appendicitis, asthma, and some cardiopathies. In more than six patients with angina pectoris, acupuncture decreased the need for drugs and most were able to return to work.
Osteopathy: Through the intervention of the therapist in muscles, joints and positions, using the hands, body weight, etc. precise and profound, unblocks, returning to recover their mobility and function. It is used in the treatment of disorders of the locomotor system as sciatica, lumbago, joint contractures. It is also used as part of psychological treatment because the muscles are in the emotional memory.
The Structural Osteopathy , is aimed particularly at the disruption of the bony structures, muscles and joints; the Visceral Osteopathy, is interested in organs like the liver, kidney, stomach, and Cranial Osteopathy, emphasizes the notion of mobility of the bones of the skull and goes to the development of newborns, children, and that the functional disorders of the adult.
Reflexology: There is no doubt that the art of reflexology surprised for several reasons, ease of check the weak or vulnerable points of our body, and techniques to recover the most affected areas of our body. Throughout the ages, civilizations like the Indians, Egyptians, Chinese, etc.. have used feet as some of the most effective in treating diseases of their peoples.
Other techniques used:
- Natural medicine
- Diet and nutrition
- Functional organmetry
- Chiromassage
- Chiropractic
- Chiromassage for sports
- Shiatsu
- Tui – na
- Hydrotherapy for colon (bowel cleansing)
- Gesret method (specific treatment of asthma)
Davila School
Noting the growing demand for therapies and learning, the center founded the naturist Davila school of naturopathy, osteopathy, acupuncture and manual techniques, in the current 1987/88 developing an outreach in the training of professionals, which now carry its work in different fields of health in society. The school is situated in C / Brussels, 8, Granada.
Sign the long list of courses that are taught in the School which are:
- Shiatsu
- Chiromassage
- Osteopathy
- Acupuncture
- Sports massage
There are also Workshops and Courses determined for each year, which will vary according to the demands of students.
For example for the year 2008 dictates workshops are:
- Thai Massage
- Regressions
- Bandage
- Neuromolecular Technique
- muscle stretching and download
- Salt Therapy
- Trigger Points
The courses for 2008
Specific techniques for:
- Chiromassage for Sports
- Reflexology
Open Seminars
- Chinese massage,
- Tuina Massage
- Chakras
- Connective Tissue Massage
Within the School several professionals are responsible for all activities that are performed. Among them is Mr Rafael Dávila Romero, Director and naturopath, osteopath, Mr Roldán Humberto Castillo, Deputy Director and Medical and teachers Rejón Jose Carlos Alvarez (osteopath, acupuncturist), Rafael Sanchez Moya (naturopath, osteopath) Freddy Villoslada Salinas, Alicia Rejón Naver and Augustine Sagardoy Pozuelo.
Other delegations
Addition to the school in Grenada, the center has different delegations at the following locations: Albacete, Madrid, Murcia, Ibiza, Valencia and Ronda.