Published: 10/16/2018 - Updated: 10/16/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
The dark circles are those bags under the eyes or lumps that may form either by a poor diet, lack of rest, infection, irritation, etc. To fix them you can use many remedies as make up to avoid noticing them, but it is always better, no doubt, go to the root of what causes them.
Types of dark circles
There are the dark circles that are transitory and those that are permanent. The transient dark circles tend to appear after periods of wakefulness, fatigue, illness, poor circulation in the area of the eyes, physical or emotional stress, or exposure to environmental irritants (cigarette smoke, etc.) and all of these signs of an inadequate food. These dark circles appear in each person of a different color, which depends on the type of skin.
The dark circles are the result of permanent disease or inherited as part of the natural physical appearance. In this case you can use a good makeup, not somewhat exaggerated, it can be very natural and easy. The makeup will depend on the type and color of skin you have (see make-up). You can also do some exercises like those listed below to help the skin below the eye is reaffirmed; implementing an ice mask can also help reinforce the skin. However, if you want a more radical remedy is plastic surgery, although it is always best to avoid it.
Causes of dark circles
Dilated veins under the skin, the skin below the eye is extremely sensitive, very thin and delicate, so that whatever happens in the veins will be evident. As time passes, the skin is damaged and becomes even thinner and weaker, causing the veins become more noticeable, especially when congested conditions such as allergies or asthma.
Sleeplessness, fatigue and exhaustion when you uncover abuses of monitor, your eyes are undoubtedly the first to suffer it, wearing opaque and dark circles, especially when your diet is not entirely appropriate and contributes to show them.
Irritation, both physical and emotional stress, hormonal changes, respiratory diseases, allergies and genetic problems, are other factors that create the dark circles.
The dark circles in the morning, many people suffer from this type of dark circles, and as the day passes are diminishing. Inadequate food and when you are not providing enough vitamins and other minerals, the eyes reflect this immediately.
Natural Remedies for dark circles
FOOD: Food undoubtedly ranks first in the matter, since a large percentage of dark circles is due to an inadequate diet. You must seek to eliminate from the diet very savory products such as fried sausages and hams or animal origin, which are high in sodium, which retains water and can accumulate under the eyes. It is best to bring a raw food as possible, with plenty of fluids and fruit juices and vegetables, including carrots, sprouts and the Omega three oils, all vital for a firm skin. Do not abuse of animal milk and its derivatives, because the abuse causes a lot of movement in your body of toxins.
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REST: babies have a fresh look, clean of dark circles because, among other things, sleep long and deeply. Ignoring the world completely and having a really restful sleep, help, among other things, that nutrients are well absorbed, to relax the nervous system and restore the whole body, which will be felt first in the eyes. If you cannot sleep well, get used to have habits: do it usually at the same time each day and do not dinner before bed, because if you do this work in your body to digest. It is best to eat 2 hours before going to bed and you take a lettuce, Azhar, chamomile or apple in the evening. Eating an apple before hitting your head on the pillow is ideal to sleep like a baby. Avoid stressful or unpleasant news at night, focus your attention on things nice, soft music to help you relax.
POTATO AND CUCUMBER: cucumber slices and potato, applied over the eyes for about 20 minutes, helps to decongest the area.
MAKEUP: If you wake up with dark circles and you urge to go to work (in addition to exercise them coming down) you will have to resort to some tricks to reduce the problems. As aesthetic care, should use both morning and evening by a special moisturizer to the area of the eyes. This will help decongest the area and care. The editors are good for disguising lumps. To apply, you must first clean the skin with a moisturizer. Then, put the correction by soft drumming, without pulling the skin, and then smudge with a sponge in the direction from outside to inside. The corrector can be used alone or as above or below the foundation. You should always pay attention to this well-integrated and merged with your skin color.
EXERCISES FOR TURN MOVEMENT UNDER EYE: The micro-blood circulation and lymphatic system is very fragile and thin in this area, which could need a little help at times to avoid congestion and swelling. This usually happens when, for example, sleep without a pillow, because the movement is strong and is somewhat congested these veins. An ideal exercise to activate the movement in this area is as follows: with your head and looking right across the street, close your eyes. Then, open it very slowly as if you wanted to look at the roof but without raising your head. When you feel that you cannot look up again close. Rest a few seconds and repeat. It is important not to feel pain when you exercise.
PHYTOTHERAPY: chamomile bags over your eyes or the drops of chamomile tea are ideal for reducing the dark circles that are the cause of a bad sleep or to clean the eyes or infections. The arnica and calendula also help lower eye lids. If indeed you tend to have dark circles constantly, we suggest a cleansing diet, so that your body is thoroughly cleaned of toxins. Lemon syrup is very effective.
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Having swollen eye lids after crying is a very common problem too and is not aesthetic so I was searching for a remedy like those as they help for dark circles I think that could help for eye lids too, so thank you very much, I?m going to change some habits to see results
I’m so glad I read this article!! I have always had dark circles under my eyes, and no matter how much rest I have, or how hydrated I am, or how relaxed I am, I STILL seem to have dark circles under my eyes. I don’t look sickly, per se, but I would like to get rid of them. These sound like great remedies, so I’m excited to give them a try!