Garlic and Beauty Skin
Garlic has a lot of medicinal properties for skin. Its healing elements help the skin to heal and stay smooth and young. Garlic is a potent antioxidant, which helps to regenerate skin and tissues and stay young.
Healing properties of garlic
Garlic contains starch and mucilage elements that help accelerate the maturation of pimples on the skin, so it is an extremely effective remedy to treat cases of acne and pimples or bumps. Garlic cures kidney and strengthens the liver, it purifies intestines and helps remove toxins and bacteria from the body, which helps to maintain healthy skin and prevent diseases. It is also a powerful anti-fungal and bacterial that helps reduce inflammation, repairs tissue and fights infections and fungi.
Garlic can help cure:
- Dermatitis
- Acne
- Herpes, ulcers and eczema
- Grains and abscesses
- Fights and prevents skin cancer
- Prevents and combats dry skin
- Promotes circulation which helps to nourish the skin carrying vitamins, oxygen and essential elements to every cell and tissue.
- Excellent in treating fungal
- Fights dandruff and flaky skin problems.
- Helps dry pimples fast naturally and it prevents scarring.
- Combat sensitive or irritated skin.
- Rejuvenates and prevents premature wrinkles.
General treatment with garlic to cure skin
Take a crushed garlic daily, fasting, along with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Then, immediately drink a glass of warm water with the juice of a squeezed lemon. If you feel a very strong taste or the smell bothers you to go to school or work, you can take water with lemon and olive oil with an empty stomach, and at night take raw garlic one hour before bed, chewing well and taking a tablespoon of olive oil with the lemon juice. During the day, drink aloe, carrot and / or celery juice to help cell regeneration and enhance the benefits of garlic. Drink at least two liters of pure water to maintain active toxins mobilization and proper skin moisture.
External treatment with garlic paste to cure skin
In case of ulcers, dermatitis, dry skin, dandruff, pimples fungi, etc. Prepare a medicinal paste of garlic crushing a young garlic and adding two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (in the case of fungus or dandruff, use coconut oil). Spread this mixture on the damaged skin or affected part.
In case of dermatitis and dry skin or wrinkles, stir the garlic clove with aloe gel and olive oil for best results. Wash your face with mineral water and then smear this paste on the skin, taking out the pieces of garlic with very small filters.
If fungus and dandruff: Filter the coconut oil and garlic juice and bits remain with a cloth. Use only the oil that you’ve got and put over the affected part. Then cover with plastic. If dandruff is the problem, smear on the scalp vigorously and then put a plastic cap and leave it in your head as long as you can. If you have fungi in the hands or feet, use a plastic glove. If fungi are elsewhere in the skin, just smear the oil and leave as long as possible, preferably at night to get some better results.
In case of pimples: prepare the garlic paste and apply it unfiltered on pimples at night, with a clean face. Leave on the garlic a few minutes and then wash your face with mineral water. Apply aloe gel. Remember to follow the prescribed diet in treatment.
In case of acne: prepare the garlic paste and filter the oil. Put green clay into a cup and add some water so you can apply it on your face. Before the clay, spread the garlic oil on your face, then put the clay, without damaging our skin, apply gently. Do this treatment once a week. To emphasize results follow the directions below.
If ulcers or thrush: smear garlic oil on the affected part. If the ulcer is open, only smear gently around the skin and make the recommended treatment and diet. If canker or mouth sores, spread directly on the bud and leave it there as long as possible. In addition to diet and prescribed treatment, increase consumption of vitamin C to accelerate results.
To enhance the results and promote the benefits of garlic
Watch the stress: it is one of the main causes of the affected skin. Remember to trust and love you, avoid criticizing and fall into prolonged anxiety states. If you feel a lot of worry or anxiety, make a tea of chamomile and passionflower or read things that make you feel more confident and at peace.
Avoid in your diet: junk, refined or spicy foods, they only accumulate in the body and may be being evacuated as toxins through the skin.