Published: 07/20/2010 - Updated: 08/20/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
If you have flabby thighs and want them firm, shapely and without cellulite, you may find these tips helpful to make them very beautiful and attractive. No matter if you are thin or have overweight. The flabby thighs can appear in thin people as well as obese, in fact, it is not a weight problem but lack of strength and muscle tone. So do not hesitate, take advantage of this summer to help that sensual and sensitive part of your body.
The key are three things: food, exercise and some aid alternatives. If you coordinate these three things with patience and determination, you will see results faster than you think and your thighs will become the envy of all.
Why is diet important?
The tissues and muscles are mainly of protein. If your diet does not have quality protein, the tissues tend to be limp and drooping, especially if your diet is based on junk food, processed sugar or have too much animal fat, which is usually not a suitable food for your tissues and these will look bad and fallen. So surely you need to eat quality food for your tissues and muscles to be healthy and strong.
Foods that are recommended for this are: marine algae, brewer's yeast, amaranth, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, oily fish and foods rich in omega-3 and antioxidants. These last ones can be found mainly in fruits, vegetables and seeds. In your diet, look out if there is a frequent consumption of these foods, if not, you need to include them or replace products that are not beneficial as those already mentioned with them.
Daily routine to strengthen the muscles
Here are three exercises for shaping and firming the thighs:
Strengthen internal area: standing against the wall with your hand on the wall at shoulder height. Get with your legs straight in parallel to the wall and lift one leg to the side about 45 degrees without moving the rest of the body. Raise and lower your leg 20 times. Do this with each leg.
Strengthen the muscles in general: squats are great. Stand up and open your legs to the width of the hips. Keep your back straight and buttocks tucked in and abdomen contracted at all times. From this position, bend your knees while keeping the tension in the abdomen and buttocks, careful do not lift the heels off the floor. Hold the tension in flexion one second and up to the starting position. Repeat this 20 times if you are a beginner or until it hurts.
To strengthen and turning thighs and buttocks: do doggy position. Then, contract your abdomen and raising your leg, bend backwards, as high as you can, keeping your back right. Repeat 25 times with each leg. Then do the same but with the other leg.
Lose extra fat thigh lying sideways: with legs bent and your lower arm extended, taut leg upward as high as you can. Repeat this exercise 30 times with each leg.
Natural Alternatives to lose fat and firm tissues and muscles of the thighs
Thalassotherapy: if you go to sea this summer, do not miss the opportunity to massage with sand in the thighs and swim in the sea. The sea water, in addition to reaffirming and nourishes the skin, helps eliminate toxins from the skin.
Massage with clay: clay applications in thighs accompanied by anti cellulite massage are great to help burn fat.
Ice therapy: applying ice to the area of the thighs will help you reaffirm.
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Swimming, dancing, walking and pilates: Sports are great alternatives to keep your legs strong and beautiful. Also the practice of yoga can help give them strength.
Extra Tips
- Avoid sitting for long periods. If you have a sedentary activity, you have to willpower and do at least 40 minutes of exercise daily.
- Weight: a good weight training will help to reaffirm the thighs. You can perform the same exercises that we recommend but with leggings or special weights in the form of ribbons that are tied at the ankles.
- Climbing stairs: try to do it often, walking up stairs two at a time whenever you can.
- Jumping Rope: This activity gives much strength to your leg muscles. Just try using good shoes to prevent hurt the column with both feet.
- Walk in sand: great activity to strengthen your thighs and burn extra calories.
- If you're sitting a long time, squeeze the buttocks and thighs from time to time, repeat ten times this whenever you remember. This is an excellent exercise for those who spend much time sitting.
If you have large thighs or obese, do all your effort to avoid refined sugars and junk food or processed, which are a major cause of overweight. Include more salads and vegetable juices in your diet, and take green or red tea daily after each meal, which are great fat burners.
If you have cellulite on the thighs, given once a week an anti-cellulite massage to yourself. This one can be performed by running a lemon over the area of your thighs or gently pinching to promote circulation and burn stored fat. Tap with your fists on them whenever you can.
About the author
Every woman on earth might hate having flabby and awful thighs and other parts of the body, especially when you note you may have cellulite too, and this is really hard to stop, the best thing is to prevent, especially with the diet, just like the article say and well, practicing exercises daily can be really something good! So do not forget to practice at least one hour per day
Great article!! I’m so glad that you addressed the two TRULY key aspects of any fat-burning, weight loss regimine…diet and exercise!! It sounds so simple, but when it comes down to it a lot of people don’t want to put the effort in, and then they resort to unnatural “treatments”, which are not healthy in the least.