Published: 01/11/2008 - Updated: 06/29/2016
BioFach 2008 presented for the first time in Hall 4A wines made from organically grown grapes. In the wine pavilion, modern and bathed in natural light not only showcase organic wines from around the world. There also glow with a new bar of olive oil, and organized for seven years. Along with the wine, the main topic of the moment, and experience culinary, wine pavilion provides the perfect environment to get fascinated by the diverse specialties of international olive oils. From the circuit to taste the taste of olive oil from 21st to 24th February 2008 is fully immersed in these perceptions about 45,000 visitors. At BioFach 2008 will be held for the first time Award for Best Organic Olive Oil. The uniqueness of this prize is to be the tasters, i.e. visitors to the salon, who choose the winner.
Organic olive oil, not only in the Mediterranean
The Award for Best Olive Oil ensures an objective assessment of the growing number of olive oils presented at BioFach. In 2007 were over 60 exhibitors from 10 countries with their oil, the vast majority in the bar of olive oil. They included not only the classic producers such as Italy, Spain and Greece, but also other European countries, "exotic" like Cyprus and Albania.
Along with the overseas countries are already in this market, as Chile and Australia, will be the first Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and Palestine.
World production of olive oil: 2.86 million tonnes
In the 2006/2007 crop year, world production of olive oil from conventional organic rose, according to a study by the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) to 2.86 million tonnes. Within the EU there were at this time 2.14 million tons of olive oil. The list of countries led by Spain with 1.1 million tons, followed by Italy and Greece with 0.6 to about 0.4 million.
The wide variety of organic olive oil
Bar of Olive Oils of BioFach gives visitors a wide range of potential insight into the subject of olive oil. The first provides an overview of all the oils listed above, with precise indication of the type and source, and the number of the stand. So you can prepare an individual tasting, after consultation or on its own initiative. Anyone who wishes to deepen the subject and learn more about flavors, categories and professional evaluation of olive oils, may participate in tastings to take place several times a day. Presentations of experts to be held at the Forum will provide information about the Community legislation on oil. The new Award for Best Olive Oil offers a revealing assessment of the exhibited products. The grade of olive oil will take place in an anonymous fashion with coded samples. The evaluation system is numerical and ensures a homogeneous distribution of the samples and equal opportunities for all participants. The tasting notes are processed immediately, and the ranking of the best oils will be updated until the official presentation of the prize on Saturday afternoon.
About the author
I cook with a lot of olive oil, and I would be so fascinated to try some of these award winning oils. I have no “palate” for good oils (or good wine for that matter) adn I would love to develop a taste for detecting the truly good oils from those that are sliced with other lower grade oils.