Fighting fatigue and discouragement by natural means

Published: 04/29/2009 - Updated: 02/20/2018

Doing and resolving many thing in the day and feeling, moreover, tired and discouraged to perform daily activities, can be a symptom of iron and phosphorus deficiency, poor circulation and oxygenation of the blood, poor diet or it can also be a sample of lack of enthusiasm of the things you have to do.

Fatigue and discouragement are moods that seem to affect more and more people. Living life should not be a burden or a struggle but a place to experience new things, a place to grow and venture into the heart unknown situations that make us think of new ways of life.

So if you're tired of being tired, here we give you some foolproof tips for gradually recover your natural energy and can connect with things that have to do with enthusiasm, creativity and energy.


You have to include foods rich in vitamin E and C, a little more vegetable protein (soy sprouts) and vegetable and fresh fruits to mineralize your body. Avoid foods that make you feel lethargic and heavy, as excess carbohydrates or bread, pasta and especially avoid white sugar and its derivatives, which currently makes "you get energy," because the sugar acts as potent stimulant drug, which comes in a rather nervous energy, because the instant reaction of the brain. After a while, this effect disappears causing the opposite effect, a depression in mood and energy and other effects really disastrous for the body and the mind of the person.

White Sugar

The main cause of fatigue and depression: soft drinks, cakes, sweets, canned tomatoes, processed products, juices and other canned, prepared with refined sugar, are actually harmful to the nervous system, causing, among other altered states of mind , depression and fatigue. Eating one tablespoon of white sugar is the reason for the body entering imbalance. This imbalance in sick, can take hours and sometimes it is not possible to recover. Because of the imbalance of minerals in the body during day after day, year after year, the body's ability to recover exhausts its natural balance. This causes a form of chronic malnutrition in the brain cells, which are the first affected, providing a number of effects actually harmful, which includes irritability, altered nerve, a decrease of the energy of the individual, fatigue and chronic fatigue. The worst thing is that the body's need for sugar is excessive because this product, like any drug, is addictive.

Good cell oxygenation

Restoring energy through good oxygenation is a powerful natural remedy for high efficiency. We must do an aerobic physical activity a day such as running, swimming, cycling or dancing, that is, put the heart to a greater ability to return to pumping enough blood and distributed to all organ and body systems, including the brain, which needs to be well oxygenated to work optimally and make you feel spirited and enthusiastic.


Given oxygen to the body can also be done through good breathing. There are many techniques such as yoga and Zen meditation that help breathe in different ways for you to feel full of energy and can get rid of extra tension.

Solar energy

Sunbathing is necessary to recharge the body. This is done automatically when you walk down the street or do outdoor activities. But you can also choose lying few minutes in the sun in the morning while rubbing your body with cold water.

Tonic vitality

A juice of celery, alfalfa, carrots, honey and pollen is an excellent tonic for the spirit in motion.

Aromatherapy to lift the mood

The essential oils of neroli, cypress, lemon, geranium, jasmine, grapefruit, patchouli and rose are great for lifting your mood.

Make things you love

And finally a good mood is the sum of activities you enjoy. Having an enthusiastic spirit means you have the soul in what you do every day. If you feel that you do not love the thing you do at the day but you have to do them, obviously you won’t feel lively. If this lasts for days, months, years, little by little the weight will be greater, you will become more sickly and with less energy because you are working with stress and resistance.

About the author
  • K. Laura Garcés G

    Writer, therapist and lecturer. She is a lover of natural medicine and the power of mind and emotions in body and life. In addition, he has studied nutrition and develops appropriate diets to support this healing process.She has written more than 1500 articles in magazines in Spain and Mexico, winner of two literature contests. Linkedin.

3 Replies to “Fighting fatigue and discouragement by natural means”
  • Ethan says:

    Daily life is really something, I mean, you have to deal with so many things and sometimes you feel that life doesn?t repay you and then you become depressed, this can affect you in several ways digging a bigger hole, you have to stop now and think about yourself for once, and start a new life by bringing equilibrium in your life

  • AARON says:


  • Stacy says:

    This is something I’m really struggling with right now. I”m 28, living with my fiance’s parents because we just moved to Alaska, and I feel like I’m losing grip on my life. Thanks for the inspirational article, it’s good to read pick me ups.