Published: 06/20/2008 - Updated: 09/22/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G3 Comments
Well, well, before you get angry again, maybe you could afford to learn a little more about your anger, because this could be a sign of a genius in you, a point that, not being understood within its depth, may be becoming more of a limitation and an aggressive emotion, that a truly creative and attractive feeling. If you do not understand the root causing of your anger, instead of creating something great with this energy, you could be spending that inner strength to be hitting and shouting.
The genius anger
Do you often not tolerate criticism and how other people act? Do you want to hit the tail of the cat when it does not react like you expected? Do you think that you are surrounded by immature, inept, incompetent, irritating people, etc.? Do you feel that if you would have an eraser that can erase some things in your life, you will use it right away?
What is really making you angry?
A new way to consider your anger
Well, consider 2 things. A: What is anger? The anger is an emotion whose symptoms are the reaction of discontent about something. This reaction can go from being very mild to something really intolerant, maddening, and reach the limits of Wrath, which causes a lack of dissent.
Two: What really is anger? Well, the anger, as explained before, is a backlash of discontent. But this disagreement comes from something deeper, is the reaction that has its root in a series of internal expectations and ideals which, if not met, or hinder something out there, or are threatened by something, then create a instant rejection to what the threat or hinders, and then anger happens.
Now, we're curious and would like to go a little deeper with regard to anger, we might say that this dissatisfaction that causes anger, comes from an even deeper root, which, if going to the very words everyday, we could summarize in I feel trapped, I'm limited, I am unable.
Creative person
A creative person is distinguished by a character who not only tends to dream grandiose ideal, but is looking for or dreaming of how to do into life, because represent these ideals with safety, their happiness, their own conduct. All people have some form of a creative nature, we want to create what we think is great. When feel that these ideals cannot be realized or will not be possible, somehow we fall into a kind of anger. When one gets angry, it's because somehow the ideal collided with a limitation, a failure with a problem.
When this anger is repressed, ignored or is not released when it is not given a solution which prevents the realization of the ideal, then we can say that it is depression. The mean that depression is anger (or a series of anger) repressed. Depression is a way that leaves one to pay it because we didn’t find creative ways to do this.
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We all have a creative force according to our possibilities, we have a talent that nobody else has. But the genius not only to have that creative impulse, but know how to pass this illusion to reality. This is the time of life, to see how we can be able to move and go through life making increasingly craving and our joy.
Creating new things is an act which must be put into operation new talent, knowledge renewal: our creative spirit and always encourages us to develop new talent, and we get excited and thrilled at the realization of things, because somehow these dreams inspire us to move in a new way.
Things we already know, we already believe and have done, are no longer important as much as we love the things that represent a challenge, a new discovery, a new creativity. If you lose a creative attitude and this expectation is enclosed in a single way of being, acting, thinking, and this becomes part of a routine, then one begins to feel restricted, confined, bored, angry, because it's like inside the same quarter locked at all times.
Changes to create the new
Change is the thrust of our creative nature. When we refuse to be flexible, to consider new ways to value, then lock our creative nature, and nature becomes very irritable, forms of reaction are very repetitive, because in essence there is a reluctance to leave old behaviors, forms thinking that they were seeing results, which creates a state of tension that makes you feel any worse, little because it is not something you grow up doing this and discovering new talents in you.
So remember: next time you are angry, ask yourself where you are inflexible and where you locked your creative nature, i.e. where you are working with old attitudes and where you're locked into a pattern of conduct, of thought.
More confident in yourself at what really want, that things can change to better your enjoyment and pleasure. And if you're unhappy with something, do not cry alone: Remember that the only warning that something inconformity in your life and needs to be renewed, processed: This renewal not have to happen out there but within you, in your thoughts on the attitude with which we react in life.
About the author
I always enjoy reading the articles that give you a boost in the life, I mean that make you think in yourself as a human being that needs movement and change to keep on going, and all the time I feel a little sad, I try searching more something to fulfill my life in a good and pleasant way
so it’s not so bad being angry sometimes,,,, well, anger is normal in human beings, we cannot deny what make us as people, but we should control anger and keep it fresh
This was a really good article, and I like how you analyzed anger from two different personality types. It is so true that all of us have some degree of creative nature, some more than others. And I do agree that anger serves a purpose, and rather than respressing it (or letting it consume us), we need to pay more attention to it, and understand it.