Published: 11/13/2011 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
The tension produced in the eyes when they watch television, the PC monitor, when they read or are too focused in activities like sewing or painting, the tone and flexibility of the ocular muscles gradually decrease.
Eye exercises
It’s necessary, for eye health, learning to relax muscles and strengthen them, making our sight healthy for a long time. To maintain flexible the nerves and muscles, it is not always necessary to run to the ophthalmologist. Many of the eye problems are because of the lack relaxation and, above all, not knowing how to fix the sight.
The last one is the main reason for the use of eyeglasses and problems such as myopia and astigmatism. Fortunately, to avoid these diseases is not necessary to stop doing activities you do, but always taking into account the amount of time you do them.
What you should start doing, and practice as a daily routine, is exercises of movement, relaxation and ocular fixation. Before you start this routine, it is necessary to rotate the neck to both sides to relax the muscles of the head and face. Preferably, do these exercises in a garden or somewhere where you get the sun.
Eye strengthening exercise
Stand up with the back straight. Loosen your neck and scalp. Now, place each of your index fingers together in front of your eyes and then move them further away about 15 centimeters. Separate them to the sides and watch them without moving the head and chin.
To remove ocular tension
Look at the sun, blinking rapidly while wagging your head from left to right. Do this for a few minutes. Once you get used to this exercise, rub the palms together until they begin to lay off heat. Once you feel heat, put your palms over each eye, respectively. Open your eyes and check that no light enters through any hole. Close your eyes and check that there is no tension in the neck or the head or face or shoulders. Do this several times a day.
To acute sight
Place your index finger in front of your eyes, an inch or two away. Now select an object at a distance, the smaller you see from there, preferably, do this exercise from a window where you can see a panoramic view. Now, look at the tip of your index finger and once have targeted it, quickly change your view to the distant object. Repeat this about 30 times, passing the sight from the distant object to the tip of your finger.
To activate optic nerve
Put a finger on the tip of your nose and the other further away, aligning the two straight and at a distance that is comfortable to the eye. Now pass the eye of the finger tip to the other quickly. It is recommended to increase the repetitions gradually. At first, begin with repetitions of 30 seconds and let the eye rest.
Exercise to increase circulation in your eyes
Place your middle finger of your left hand on your right eye. Now place your index and middle fingers of your right hand on the first articulation the other finger. Hitting very slightly while moving your finger around the eye. Repeat this exercise with the middle finger of your right hand in the left eye.
Ocular merge exercise
Place the index finger of your right hand in front of the eyes, around 50cm. Look at the distance where you can see two fingers, instead of just one. Now, look between the fingers. Remember to do the exercises without surpassing, especially if you are a beginner. We recommend starting with half a minute and gradually increase this time.
Relaxation exercise on the inclined table
This exercise will help you relax and increase circulation to your eyes. Lie on the inclined table and close your eyes. Check if your neck, shoulders, head or scalp are tense. Now, move your eyes from side to side gently without opening them. Perform 30 sec. and rest. Enjoy this time in the table to breathe deeply and release tension throughout the body.
Addition to these exercises, we recommend the consumption of vitamins A and C. Include in your diet carrots, fresh vegetables and green leafy vegetables. Pollen, honey and citrus strengthen the immune system and help fight infections.
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