Published: 05/05/2009 - Updated: 07/19/2016
Without doubt, the Basque Country is growing its pace, when it comes to farming. And this phenomenon is due to policies of the Department of Agriculture of the Basque Government undertakes. To encourage this, the institution has submitted a new Plan for the Development of Organic Agriculture to promote this type of crop.
The Basque Autonomous Community has, according to 2006 data, just over a thousand hectares dedicated to organic agriculture, with an average size of each holding six acres. In this regard, the Executive has stressed that only exist in the Basque Country hectares dedicated to organic agriculture, therefore the size of the Autonomous Community and the "low introduction of these crops to farmers?. According to these official figures, the number of producers Basques is 160 and that of 57 processors and marketers.
So with the help of the Department of Agriculture is trying to reverse this situation. One of objectives of the plan is the promotion of organic agriculture, which involves facilitating the development and marketing of these products, to increase the added value of the holdings and the incorporation of conventional farmers to the sector.
Step by step
The Plan that has been submitted for this day represents the last regulatory step for promoting organic products. And at the end of 2006 was passed the Law on Agriculture and Food at the Green governing region. In this regard, the current Minister of Agriculture, Gonzalo Saenz de Samaniego, recalled that the Law on Organic Agriculture, adopted two years ago, "has enabled us to improve strategic planning to build a sector that emerges strongly in the Basque Country."
On December 29, 2006, the Basque Parliament approved the Law on Organic Agriculture and Food of the Basque Country. Its aim is to boost activity in the autonomous region, in addition to trying to engage in traditional agricultural production.
The law amends the current legal form of Basque Council of Ecological Agricultural Production, with the creation of the Agriculture and Food Environment of the Basque Country. This body maintains a register of operators to develop the activity. In addition is responsible for certifying organic food and farming, and spread the benefits of their products.
Most representative organic products of the region are fruit and vegetables, canned vegetables, cereals, wine and sheep farming. It is said that about 3% of total food production in the Basque Country is environmentally friendly.
Throughout the Spanish territory, organic farming is regulated by law since 1989, when the Rules of the generic term "organic.", after various decrees updated regulations.
About the author
rThose laws should be explained to every citizen to have a major consciousness in the while planet staring from the small cities, now it is the time to change the world and try to make a better place by considering the re-using things and opt for a better production of goods
I love how Spain is taking so many little steps to do what needs to be done to little by little, convert our current agricultural system into something more sustainable and healthy. Here in the States, we continue to support large-scale farming, and even organic farms are hard to find on a family-basis.