Published: 07/21/2009 - Updated: 07/19/2016
Whenever we touch the topic of organic products, we mention on the one hand the lack of support from the states, and on the other, poor-but-growing Spanish domestic consumption.
However, a recent study claims that despite the crisis, agriculture and livestock organic continue booming, with a consumer market that is growing. The data are very clear about this: last year, it went over 1.3 million hectares of these crops, a 33% increase over the previous year and 80% more than in 2004.
Among the numbers presented, we can highlight that, in addition, the business that moves around in this sector has added members at the end of 2008, 23,473 companies participated in this market, 16% more than in 2007. And in livestock numbers also increased: 25%, compared to 2007, representing 3813 farms.
Alcampo sources indicate that, despite the crisis and that the average cost of these items is between 30% and 50% more expensive, but depends on the product itself and its development process and production "The sales reflected in the establishment of the brand rose by 20% in 2008 over the previous year. The French distributor introduced ten years ago this type of food and now has 600 of these products in a global offering of 50,000 references."
In Eroski have their own brand of organic food products, consisting of eight references to seven and vegetable rice. In total, the chain sells 23 of the Mondragón group of food products and, in the trade balance of the company, the category of canned vegetables is the fastest selling records. Without giving details of numbers or percentages, the firm acknowledges of an increase in consumption of these products.
Awareness of organic consumption
According to these data, consumer environmental awareness grows in Spain regardless of the economic crisis, gaining space in supermarkets, in refrigerators of the household and the number of companies engaged in this activity.
The latest data provided by the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino put Spain at the head of the other countries of the European Union in terms of number of hectares devoted to organic farming. However, 85% of the country's production goes to market. Germany is the European country that leads the market in organic products.
Preference for natural cosmetics
Regarding the consumption patterns of natural and organic products, a recent survey says that in Europe, 35% of women prefer natural cosmetics.
And that is according to research conducted by a firm of natural cosmetics in the United States 44% of women preferred products of plant origin, 35% in Europe and in Japan 29%, which is an alternative in terms of taste of women by 100% organic products.
Green Commitment
As one Mexican newspaper publishing, women are defined and committed in respect the environment, when buying a cosmetic choose the most natural, that in its formula includes only plant assets. Clear that their demands are not only natural but also be a good bio-cosmetic, i.e. an ecological commitment to support all its ingredients are natural, without artificial preservatives, as well as having a quality certificate certifying that no containing chemicals, dyes or animal substances.
Undoubtedly the bio-cosmetic is booming, and each time there are more products on the market that take care of the face, body and hair in sensitive and efficient way. Organic cosmetic products, which feed on the virtues of plants and have a nice aroma in the concentration of essential oils are suitable for sensitive skin.
By their virtues and properties are common ingredients in facials and body treatments grapes, peaches, oranges, honey, almonds, lilies, roses, aloe, peppermint, lavender and willow. There are several brands committed to the environment and care of your skin, hair and face, looking for the best with nature.
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"In its development is prohibited from using perfumes, artificial colors, silicones, petroleum products, active organisms, mineral oil, coal, conservative fenoxyetanol," explains Valérie Lamaire, head of communication of a private agency which regulates the organic certification in Europe.
"It also monitors the materials used in packaging and labeling of products as well as hygiene, cleanliness, absence of contamination in the laboratory and the recycling of waste materials," adds the expert. In organic products, which are denominated in United States and France organic biological, mineral filters are used instead of chemicals, products for protecting skin from sunlight.
At the end of the process, planting, harvesting, collection, distillation, processing, packaging and labeling of cosmetics is due to get a quality seal that certifies their Bionatural nature. To do this, there are various world regulatory agencies, but after a thorough review of their ingredients and method of production, certified quality.
Sources: ecoalimenta / cultura natura
About the author
I?m one of the women that support the use of natural products and substances of plant origin relating to the make-ip and other things and creams I use, I have to say that in these days is not hard to find many products with these characteristics and we save money and resources as well!
Yes, Europe is totally on this bandwaggon, however the United States (and most of Canada, I believe) are not. It’s crazy that there is so much material wealth in the US, yet people flagrantly overlook the risk factors involved in this fast paced lifestyle.