Esther Coll Manual therapy
The Center of Manual Therapy Esther Coll conveys the idea of permission to be open to change in order to achieve happiness, to provide the necessary tools through which we can find our true inner guidance and support for our journey throughout our life cycle.
Manual therapy at the Center Esther Coll
- Bach Flowers
- Reiki
- EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Metamorphic Technique
Bach Flowers
Bach flowers were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach. Since small he had very delicate health, so he was highly sensitive dealing with the disease in his own meat, as well as human beings and trying remedies that were not even aggressive to person.
In 1906, with 20 years began his medical studies at the University of Birmingham. Then he moved to London, and completed his medical studies at the University College Hospital in 1912, where he earned several degrees: Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians.
In 1913, Edward Bach obtained two degrees: the Baccalaureus, and Bachelor of Science. And then added another academic degree: Diploma in Public Health issued by the University of Cambridge in 1914. He also served as Resident Surgeon Accident in another health institution, the National Temperance Hospital.
Reiki is the Japanese word meaning universal life energy. REI, refers to the universal energy, which is present in all places, while KI, is the energy of each individual person and that is present in all living organisms.
Reiki treatment puts together these two energies. The Reiki therapist, channels the universal energy, through their hands towards the patient's body. This helps us balance our energies to harmonize body, mind and spirit, creating a healthy and balanced life. Its use can be punctual for specific ailments or general welfare and to achieve harmony.
English, Emotional Freedom Techniques
The name of this technique comes from the EFT name in English, Emotional Freedom Techniques. This therapy is within the energy included in psychology. It was developed by an engineer who graduated from the University of Stanford named Gary Craig, based on previous discoveries of Dr. Roger Callahan and Dr. Diamond. It is based on the treatment of the energy system of the body and mind to eliminate (often in its entirety) any type of emotional, mental and physical problem.
Usually a treatment consultation goes between 1 to 2 hours. Much depends on the intensity with which they work and the agenda. During this period what is done is a series of stimulating acupuncture points by tapping with the fingers, while remain focused on the topic that will work. What is done is to repeat this process several times, after which we take a few minutes to feel what we have while we have been working, and restart the process to go deeper into it.
It is currently considered one of the most effective psychological techniques that are known at this time, even getting results where other therapies had failed. It has great potential to unlock and get the problem in a very agile way.
Described as emotional acupuncture, this technique uses the same points used in traditional Chinese medicine. EFT has proven its effectiveness by up to 80% in clinical trials and is a simple and powerful time to treat fears, phobias, anxiety, discomfort, anger, addictions and all sorts of physical and emotional problems.
This is a new paradigm in the treatment and healing, because you do not need many months and years of therapy to resolve problems. Through many EFT emotional, mental and physical specifications may be solved in minutes.
Another advantage of EFT is that anyone can learn to use it, is a simple and easy to learn.
Metamorphic Technique
The Metamorphic Technique is also known as Metamorphosis and Prenatal Therapy. It works on the feet, hands and head, will stage the period of gestation of the patient, releasing blockages that have arisen in this period and that still affect us today. We have to remember that the feet are related to the movement, hands the power to act, and the head governs the patterns of thought that we use.Working on a prenatal scheme, which has its correspondence in the foot.
At this stage the awareness of the unborn life is abstract to the moment of conception (of thought by the new parents to be). Here are turned all the influences of the moment of conception, and become a new life.
This confluence of all factors that go into a new life. It is the materialization of a new life and the starting point of the individual being, that we are now.
They are the first five months and a half from the time of pregnancy at 18/22 weeks. It is an intense period of physical growth, development of training, during which the embryo is embodied in the art.
Period of fetal movement or animation
This is when the mother feels for the first time and clearly the movement of the baby in her womb. It is a crucial time for the fetus, as now established with his body, will move outward to explore their environment.
It covers the period between weeks 18/22 to birth. The body is formed, but is not ready for birth, for the world outside. It is a cycle of real preparation to move the liquid world that protects, in a world that air strikes. This is the moment of awareness of a world foreign to him and the movement.
It is a time of great change. Normally, the fetus causes birth when is ready. At that time, the child and mother are facing the end of their unique relationship as they become two separate beings. Under the circumstances that give the time of birth, can lead to fear, isolation, panic, feelings of abandonment, happiness, security, trust, etc.
Trajectory of the Center's director and creator Esther Coll
- Volunteers in the study being done at the Hospital Ramón y Cajal, "about the effectiveness of Reiki in the patients of the Pain Unit." We're also going to start this technique to give patients "Oncology" while waiting to receive their chemotherapy.
- Volunteers in the prison of Soto del Real, "to let them know what Reiki is and that can help.
- Volunteers with shelter dogs, "the Home of Luci." This partnership reflects those evicted or more complicated cases. Start trying to help the animals with Bach Flower and California.
- FLORAL TERAPIST in Bach Flower No. 200509B. Certification by accredited and FENACO.
- FLORAL Therapist in California No. Ca0806B. Certification by accredited and FENACO.
- Reiki Therapist No. 30. Degree accredited by the Spanish Federation of Reiki and the Willow Foundation.
- Metamorphic Technique Practitioner.
- Practitioner of EFT. Content approved by the Organization Gary Graig.
- Practitioner of Animal Communicator.
Manueal Therapies Esther Coll Ruiz
Villaviciosa de Odon (Madrid).