Elbows, knees and heels: care and sensuality
The elbows, knees and heels can be one of the most sensual and sexy body. Knees, for example, have a number of sensory receptors (nerves) which may cause pleasant stimuli to the body when, for example, it’s caressed.
However, often the touch or sensation cannot be perceived in these three areas, and it seems it does not feel "anything" because, in general, these body parts are often the roughest, hardest, and driest of the body; they often have thicker skin than other areas because they are exposed to greater wear.
Knees, for example, often deteriorate especially when exposed to rub against the ground (walking on the knees), in activities such as gardening, house labor, etc. Doing pressure, the knee is usually gets harder by nature, sometimes forming a severely rough layer.
The same happens when your heels rub with the shoe when walking, if this is not fixed, then the heel wear out and may appear what is known as a callus, which is a very hardened foot part.
Leading causes of dryness and rough skin on knees, elbows and heels:
- Supporting these body parts on hard or rough surfaces.
- Lack of moisture in the skin.
- Lack of proper exfoliation.
- Diet low in nutrients to the maintenance and beauty of the skin.
- Lack of frequent washing with a special soap to remove impurities.
- Dry skin on heels and feet is caused by wearing bad shoes, lack of moisture or humidity and not using a good sock to protect the foot while walking. Frequent sun exposure steals moisture and foot becomes ugly. The use of open shoe is very aggressive on the feet.
- Frequent exposure of the sun on the knees and elbows may also prevent moisture and softness, making them rough and dry.
- Performing common tasks in knees without any protection make them thick and rough.
Health and beauty care for the elbows, knees and heels
Good hygiene: washing the elbows and knees daily with a good soap will prevent these from becoming dry and dead cells that accumulate there. Buy a special natural soap for the body and do not forget to carve very well when you bathe. Go through your heels slowly and go through the sole of the foot and the ankle which also tends to accumulate dirt and dryness.
Once you've bathed, do not forget to apply some moisturizer on your knees, elbows and heels. Aloe, honey, apple or cucumber creams are one the best lotions to keep skin smooth and well moisturized.
At night, wash your elbows and knees and apply extra virgin olive oil on them, and leave it until the next morning.
If your elbows or knees are very rough and dry, after bathing spread some avocado on them. Wait 5 or 10 minutes and then wash.
Avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes and try whenever possible to use socks or stockings to protect the feet of soil depletion, preventing calluses and roughness.
If you spend too much time on your knees on a hard surface, use knee pads or a cushion for the knees.
On the other hand, if you go to the beach, nothing better than walking kneeling or barefoot on the sand. The sand is one of the best remedies; you'll see how your knees get soft in 10 minutes. Furthermore, if you bathe in the sea, this will help moisturize and soften all skin.
If you have the beach nearby, then you should exfoliate your elbows and knees with clay, which is sold at health food stores. Green clay is an ideal exfoliant to give brightness to skin, and removes rough and rejuvenates.
Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day, so your skin is well moisturized from within.
If you have dry and very hardened knees, get into the bathtub and soak these parts of the body in warm water, scrub very gently with a pumice stone or with a soft brush. Do it in only one direction. This treatment will help eliminate accumulated dead cells and soften calluses and rough skin.
Try to moisturize your elbows and knees twice a day, after showering and before bedtime.
If you have a skin condition in the knees or elbows, like psoriasis or atopic dermatitis, you will need to increase care starting a cleansing diet soon. The diet of green tea or lemon is great. While fasting, garlic is the best natural antibiotic out there. Take primrose oil capsules to regulate the acidity of the skin and apply green clay 3 times a week to help heal the skin. Occasionally, apply crushed onion juice and allow your skin to act for two minutes. In cases of skin problems, you must completely remove the consumption of white sugar and derivatives, as well as fried foods and cow's milk.
Do not forget to take fresh vegetable juice daily, especially include foods rich in vitamin A, E and C, which are essential for healthy smooth and rejuvenated skin,. The carrot, avocado, citrus, garlic, onion, walnuts, sesame, vegetable oils and milk should not miss in your diet.