Published: 07/25/2009 - Updated: 09/06/2018
With the objective of promoting corporate social responsibility at the regional and European food businesses, the Institute for the Promotion of Murcia is leading a project that pays special attention to the sector of organic products. Everything is done through the support of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
The idea is to establish social responsibility as the main axis of the sector and that this will help companies gain competitive and sustainable production and promote socially responsible consumption, innovation, transparency and exchange of practices and tools at Europe.
The idea of the project includes the protection and social inclusion, improve the working environment and health and safety, reconciling work and family life, the implementation of the principle of nondiscrimination and the principle of gender equality, and respect for the environment and rational use of resources.
The project objectives are:
- Knowing the real situation regarding CSR in the Food Industry of the EU.
- Identify and quantify the best practices that could be applied in one of the strategic sectors of the European Union.
- Quantify the levels of excellence achieved in the sector chosen for the RSC.
- Promote the implementation of good CSR practices at the enterprise level, and dialogue with stakeholders.
- Disseminating the results throughout Europe and create a forum for communication between European countries to exchange best practices and promote CSR at the corporate level.
- Having a methodology that facilitates extrapolated to food businesses, implement good CSR practices to achieve levels of excellence.
Specific data
The fifth report, "Environment 2009. Report on the management of sustainability in the Spanish company ", a reference in Spain up on the current status and trace its evolution over the last decade. Based on a survey of 800 Spanish firms and the analysis of 148 variables, and Environment 2009 includes comparative data by regions, sectors and company sizes, providing a detailed picture of the degree of commitment and performance of the Spanish business community today .
Organic farming in Murcia
The Institute of Development, the Economic Development Agency of Murcia, is a public officer from Corporate Counseling Universities, business and research, and that promote and encourage the development and regional economic growth and competitiveness, innovation, employment and its quality and productivity of your business network. Paying special attention to small and medium enterprises and social economy enterprises.
The Murcia has a great tradition in organic farming and has pioneered the production of fruits, vegetables, rice, grapes, almonds and cereals. As early as the seventies began to implement such practices in certain plots.
Local climate and quality of soil along with the experience of farmers in the region makes an ideal place for practicing organic farming.
Sources: Ecological Agrofood Industry in the EU / Organic Farming Council of Murcia
MORE IN BIOMANANTIALWhat is Organic Agriculture?
About the author
Social responsibility must be something in the mind of everybody, we need a change and soon or it would be too late to change and turn back the direction. There should be more places that promote the social responsibility by creating fields or organic farming and things like that.
It still seems strange to me that we’ve arrived at a time when huge farms are producing the bulk of the food that the majority of the world consumes. With this, of course, comes the use of pesticides and chemicals…pretty nasty things when it comes down to it. Even if you live in an apartment you can still grow a pretty impressive container garden and compost your scraps to then reintroduce into your soil. I think as social responsibility comes more to the fore-front of all this, we’ll start to see a lot more people growing food for themselves as well.