Published: 09/08/2009 - Updated: 04/22/2016
ECOCULTURA, the Spanish and Portuguese Fair of Organic Products will be held in Zamora (Spain) on days 10, 11 and 12 October 2009 and has become a reference point as call transfer of producers, processors and distributors of organic products.
Over 100 exhibitors from all sectors will gather in the sixth edition to be a strong professional basis, as in previous years, will complement a number of side events, including conferences, roundtables, workshops, tastings, meetings and so on.
Participation in the fair may be made by both as an exhibitor or as a trade visitor is also clear that as audience and consumer. Admission is free to the public. For those who cannot attend, Ecocultura shall make this year a virtual space where post offers or demands for organic products and any other information that may be relevant to the sector.
Participation in Ecocultura
You can participate in different ways:
As an exhibitor:
Exhibitors may be all producers, companies, associations, institutions, organizations, etc. related to certified organic products industry. Participation in Ecocultura has a cost of 90 € per stand. The pre-registration bulletin and other conditions of participation may be found in the section on Registration and Exhibitor.
As a trade visitor:
Ecocultura take place in a series of meetings among professionals of organic products in order to facilitate business contacts and business opportunities where they can participate not only exhibitors but also all the visitors, producers, companies, associations, etc. who are working in this sector and were credited for this in this website.
Notice board:
Ecocultura have a space devoted to ads of supply and demand of the organic sector for all producers, companies, associations, etc. not necessary the presence in the fair to participate in this section. Those interested in participating on the board of sale may do so by filling out the form and send your ad in the relevant section (bulletin board).
Trade Fair
The Trade Fair of Zamora is a magnificent space for exchange of trade relations. It is located at the entrance to the city, easily reached from the motorway from the Douro, the area is known as the Aldehuela, an area of wooded shore between the mouth of the Douro River and Valderaduey.
The building has a square flag is ordered by the subdivision into two different spaces by a band which lie within management units and fair service, which allows simultaneous exposure and pose a different format.
The large exhibition area measuring 5743.40 meters square, which adds a spacious lobby of 2133.20 meters square, which can also be used as an exhibition, representing a total exhibition area of 7876 meters square.
The mezzanine floor also has two smaller exhibition rooms measuring 110 and 108 square meters respectively, and a conference room, cafeteria and offices.
It is a singular work of contemporary architecture, designed by the architects Maria Fraile and Javier Revilla, who has won numerous awards both nationally and internationally:
- 1997 First prize IberFAD Architecture
- 1997 Fourth Prize of Spanish Architecture Biennial 1.995-1.996
- 1998 V Sample Selection young Spanish architects Antonio Camuñas Foundation
- Finalist Iberoameriacana First Biennial of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- 2.000 ATEGO Galvanizing Second Prize
La Institución Ferial de Zamora, IFEZA, head of the campus, are governed by public law and involves various institutions form consortia of the province such as the Municipality of Zamora, Caja Rural, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Board of Castilla y Leon and the County Council which is the partner with a higher percentage of participation. The initial statutes were published in the BOP of 21 June 1996, and published the amendment thereto on 24 January 2005.
IFEZA was created in order to build a Campus Congresses Markets in the Province of Zamora for the organization of trade fairs or monographs, technical and trade shows or other activities of similar nature.
Ecocultura awards 2009
The Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y Leon (ITACYL) in collaboration with the Provincial de Zamora, calls the "IV Ecocultura Awards 2009", whose primary goal is public recognition of individuals and companies that are contributing to the development of model organic food with their work and whose effort is a model for the entities involved in the sector.
With these awards is to encourage organic production, especially in the area of Castile and Leon, where the consumption of these foods is well below its productive potential. Castilla y Leon should play a greater role in a sector that has exceptional products and opportunities that exist for highlighted economic, ecological and social reasons.
These awards aim to become a prestigious award for all who devote their total or partially the momentum of this sector either from the production and / or industrialization. We therefore declare our public commitment to increase our efforts in each issue organizational, economic and communication, so that these awards represent a real encouragement to those who receive them, and, in turn, granted recognition in society.
About the author
I?m surprised with all the prices that they have won, and they deserve that, all the groups and associations that help the environment and human to reach a better way of life, so thank you very much for supporting this kind of events and keep on going publish information to keep my mind actualized
I have a fairly extensive garden, and I’m starting to become interested in participating in similar events, if possible. Do you happen to know what the rules for entry are, or when you have to enter by? I see that this particular even is already passed, but if you have any information regarding upcoming events I would love to hear it!!