![Diet with ginger to treat Arthritis, Cancer and Rejuvenate tissues](https://i0.wp.com/en.biomanantial.com/wp-content/uploads//2020/08/jengibre.google.jpg?resize=221%2C228&ssl=1)
Published: 03/07/2013 - Updated: 07/04/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G3 Comments
Ginger is one of the oldest healing and powerful foods there; it has been used since ancient times to prepare not only food but to heal a long list of conditions and ailments. One of the great qualities of ginger is that has powerful inflammatory and cell rejuvenator properties, so it may be the key to cure medical conditions such as arthritis and cancer.
Ginger to cure arthritis
Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints and can be very painful and complicated. The causes of arthritis are especially excess stress, prolonged and accentuated concerns and poor diet or neglected. To reduce inflammation, relieve pain and help the body heal is important to follow a diet as proposed below, together with an understanding of fear which generates a lot of stress on the body and tense joints to exhaust them.
Ginger to cure cancer
Cancer is a disease that occurs when there is a bulge or abnormal cell growth in a body part. This body’s rare behavior is generated when a person has certain imbalances in the body due to food as well as feelings. For this, you should start by making consciousness of those frustrated feelings or anger stored, deep resentment and devaluation of what we are, if we accompany this emotional awareness with a ginger diet, results can be truly amazing because the body has the ability to heal and repair itself if given the elements that help to flow better.
Recommended Diet
It is known that the body's health depends mainly on the blood and intestines and if they are cleansed and with efficient operation. For this, it is necessary to remove or prevent a while all processed foods, refined, etc., cow's milk, fried foods and red meat. However, before starting this healing diet, we recommend making a day of introductory diet as mentioned below:
Initial diet of ginger and papaya
- Expend a day consuming only ginger and papaya. For this, it is important to choose a day where you cannot get out much and be at home.
- Start this day by taking two tablespoons of olive oil extra virgin fasting along with a glass of warm water.
- Then, consume only papaya in the day, but including a ginger bites when you usually eat breakfast, lunch or dinner.
- Ginger should not be combined with papaya so if you eat papaya, wait 20 minutes and then eat the ginger, which should be previously cleaned and disinfected. Finding a fresh and tender ginger is important to benefit from its properties.
- During this diet you should drink 2 liters of water dosed during the day.
- If there are any symptoms such as stomach pain, headache, rash, diarrhea, etc., you should understand that is nothing "bad". This is a purifying reaction which indicates that the body is very intoxicated. In this case, it is recommended to make vegetable stock, stop and restart the diet in three days.
After this diet, follow-up with the diet:
Monitoring Diet
- You must follow a soft diet avoiding foods above trying to eat only vegetables and some other foods such as rice, fish, grilled chicken, etc.
- You should start each day with extra virgin olive oil, drinking warm water with a squeeze of lemon and eating papaya. After 20 min, try some ginger before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- You can make ginger tea, but is best taken raw, fresh and tender to get the most of its properties.
- You can grate it in salads or soups, or combine it with water or natural juice with carrot or cactus.
This diet can also be used to help cure allergies, asthma, respiratory problems, skin, stomach, etc. It is indicated especially for people with sinusitis, intestinal problems, flu and sore throat (laryngitis, bronchitis, etc.).
Other outstanding properties of ginger:
- It is powerful inflammatory, so it is especially used to treat conditions ending in "itis" such as arthritis, gastritis, otitis, colitis, sinusitis, etc.
- Excellent cleanser, cleans intestines and blood.
- Has antacid properties that heal blood pH.
- Is a natural painkiller, helps in cases of muscle pain, menstrual pain, headache, chest, lower back and upper, et..
- It is one of the most efficient stomach tonic plants; helps prevent nausea, combats stomach upset, gas and diarrhea.
- An excellent aid for respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, cough, infections.
- Effective help in the treatment of cancer, purifies the body and helps to evacuate harmful substances, lowers blood acidity and restores damaged or deteriorated tissue.
- You can use fresh juice on the skin to treat burns and relieve the pain of blows or sprains as well as muscle or back.
About Ginger:
Ginger is known as an herb and the rhizome is used, which is bulky and has graceful forms. The underground stem is used not only to flavor many Eastern and Mediterranean dishes, but is a favorite in the medicine cabinet for its numerous medicinal properties for health and beauty.
About the author
Ginger is a very good root to prepare dishes and other things, I recommend adding some of this ingredient when you prepare chicken or fish, and well, thanks to this article you can know that it has many good properties to help the entire body, especially to detoxify the blood and organs of harmful fats, so you should include it at least a little bit.
there is a sweet that my granma consume, it is made of ginger in pieces covered with some brown sugar, she says it takes her cold symptoms away so probably they really work..
Ginger is SO wonderful. I have gotten into the habit of drinking a ginger and honey tea after eating meals, and I find that a lot of the digestive problems that I had growing up (like always feeling nauseous after eating, gasses, etc.), have really been alleviated after I took up this habit. Good to know it works against cancer too!