Published: 09/28/2009 - Updated: 02/08/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
Many times, when you diet or exercise a routine, one is talking about the body type to be created: there are girls who can inspire the body of Britney Spears or Nicole Kidman, or guys who want to be Robert Pattinson, Brad Pitt or some other man model. Keep in mind that creating the body image is a good and encouraging motivation, however, you should know that not all women or all men have the same body type as genetics; the bodies may have different constitutions.
There are several body shapes: triangular, round, square, pear-shaped, hourglass, etc.. No body type is "good or bad" and there are many types of flowers or trees, nature also put diversity in the human body, as well as putting different colors on the eyes and hair or skin, nature has the opportunity to speak with individual body types. However, nature also gave humans the choice and ability to shape the body, which is a privilege for those who seek help show off a body with more harmony and aesthetics.
Learning your body is important and will be very helpful when you try to give a special way to your body, since you will, for example, make your hips more round if your pelvic bones are narrow. However, if you know your hip bones are narrow, then you might not become so focused on your hips widen, but to reduce your waist or a little more work in your buttocks so your hips look plumper.
Here is a list so you can see which body type you are and can focus your exercise routine and your diet taking into account these interesting tips to shape your figure:
Body types
Pear-shaped: This body type tends to be more voluptuous and rounded on the bottom, i.e. from the hips down. These people have broad hips and buttocks, and thighs are usually prominent, and the rest of your legs. Furthermore, the upper body, including the back, shoulders and chest are much more narrow and small.
Triangular: the body of people with triangular formation is the opposite of the pear-shaped. This body is more voluptuous or large bones are in the upper back is broad and prominent chest. Furthermore, the buttocks, hips and legs are not so prominent as the top.
Bottle body: This body is curvilinear, the waist is marked and there is a balance between the upper and the lower, the fat is distributed equitably.
Rectangular: because it can detect the appearance of a straight line, the waist is not marked and does not stand out or the upper or lower body, but that looks like a straight line. This body type is usually very slender, it can even be angled, they are people with big hands and are usually easy to lose weight.
Square: This type of anatomy has a very broad back, and there is little difference in length between the upper and lower body.
Round: the body parts like shoulders, knees and wrists are rounded, and the bust, arms, legs, hips and buttocks are prominent. These people tend to get fat.
How to give harmony to the body with diet and exercise routine?
Once you've detected that body type you are, then you should pay attention to the following:
Proper diet for type: body pear, round and square bottle of glue:
These types of body have to gain weight easily, so you should avoid eating processed sugar products, fried sausages. The best for people who have this body type is including fresh vegetable juice (such as alfalfa, carrots, celery, parsley, etc.) which help remove toxins and harmful fats in your body. It is very important that you undergo 1 time every two months for a purifying diet for three days, forcing the body to burn unnecessary fats. There are many cleansing diets you can do: the diet of the lemon, the syrup of grapes, orange and so on.
Proper diet for type: rectangular and triangular
These people often do not gain weight easily, in this category are many athletes and models with strict feeding routines and workouts in addition to high performance. If you are of this type but you are not an athlete or model or have people on your side that lead into the food issue, then you should care that your diet does not lack the necessary requirements especially of proteins. If you consider yourself too thin, you should aim to include in your diet foods high in protein and essential minerals such as kelp, brewer's yeast, amaranth, nuts and almonds, fish and olive or sesame oil.
Exercise suggestions
Pear-shaped body: the best exercises for this body type are those that encourage the upper body such as rowing, swimming, tennis, etc. If you are a woman and you have small breasts and big hips, you can help add a little tone to your breasts with exercises like push-ups, plus you should try to keep your back straight and do not curve yourself. The chest will not grow with any routine, but if you can help it look stronger.
Triangular: exercise weights are recommended for shaping the thighs and calves, so that the body looks more proportionate.
Bottle: Though a balanced body, you should try to stay in shape: the dance, gymnastics, swimming, running and walking are exercises that help maintain the body proportions.
Rectangular: Rectangular body type should seek weight training, Pilates or exercise such as gymnastics for your body to get more muscle mass. In women, they have to work the waist and abdomen to look more balanced body and leg strengthening exercises as Arabic dance, cycling, step aerobics or Pilates.
Round: the lives of people with round body should not miss exercise and diet quality. Weights should be avoided as they will not gain much muscle mass and should put high endurance exercises such as running long distances, dancing for long periods of time, swimming, biking, running, and so on.
About the author
Haha, this is good, I think I might have a rectangle body which is good or maybe a square, Well I?m going to try some exercises and diet as always to keep my weight and I?m glad to read that I do not tend to be obese and it?s true since I?m not a compulsive eater or anything lol
It is so good to consider body types when thinking of health and diet. I have a very slender body type, but a friend of mine is a lot “thicker”. She is actually in better shape than I am right now, and can beat me in a foot race hands down. Being slender does not mean being fit or healthy at all, we all need to appreciate our own strengths and beauty.