Published: 03/18/2013 - Updated: 07/04/2016
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
Juices give us vitality and energy as they provide nutrients in a concentrated and easy to digest way and are also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
The juice can also help cleanse our body of toxins that accumulate, stress, poor diet and unhealthy habits. It is important to detoxify, as this will enable our liver, kidneys and organs generally work properly.
If you feel tired, stressed, or not very well during the day, you will probably need to detoxify your body. If you are about to start a weight loss plan, I also recommend that you detoxify your body, because in this way, we are encouraging proper metabolism, and therefore weight loss, may be more effective.
Fruit juices are rich in minerals and vitamins, as well as compounds that act as antioxidants, which help us to combat daily stress by inhibiting the action of free radicals.
The following recipes should be prepared with natural ingredients, and fresh, avoid processed juices, as they don’t contain the same properties as the natural product, and are usually added with large doses of refined sugar that just add calories extra to diet.
Juice to eliminate toxins
Made with red grapes, oranges and peaches. This fruit juice reduce the level of stored fat, discard toxins, is diuretic, antioxidant, relieves constipation. It is also a rich source of dietary fiber and vitamin C.
Helps combat cellulite and sagging, improves circulation, increases immunity and cleanses the intestines.
Take a glass, one hour before a meal, you can include in your diet for at least a week to help debug your body.
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- 1 cup of red grape juice
- ½ cup of orange juice
- 4 peaches chopped
- Mix ingredients in blender on high speed.
- Avoid straining, but if necessary, do it and drink. You can add water.
Juice to Purify intestine
Strawberry, pineapple and parsley, possess diuretic, cleanses the intestines, aids digestion, fights anemia and can provide relief to rheumatism.
It is rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene. Combat action of free radicals, preventing premature aging, cancer and atherosclerosis.
- ½ cup of chopped strawberries
- 2 slices of pineapple, peeled
- 1 sprig of parsley
- 1 cup of natural or mineral water
- Blend the ingredients well. Serve and drink immediately.
- Drink a glass at breakfast and one before dinner.
Juice to Detox
Celery, beet, carrot, apple and orange. It is low in calories, combat obesity, detoxifies, is diuretic, tonic, blood purifier, liver ailments counteracts, has plenty of soluble fiber lowers cholesterol, triglycerides and also controls helps control blood glucose levels.
Its ingredients increase defenses, keeps the muscles in good condition, stimulates gastric juices and combats anemia.
- 2 stalks of celery
- ½ chopped beets without the shell
- 1 cup of carrot juice
- 2 apples chopped
- 1 cup of orange juice
Extract the juice of celery and beets. Blend with the remaining ingredients until lumps disappear.
Strain if necessary, and drink immediately.
You should drink a glass of this juice fasting, two to three times a week.
Although in general, fruit juices are healthy, consumption of this type of juice is not recommended for diabetics, as they may raise their blood glucose levels due to its content of fructose (fruit sugar). If you suffer from this condition, consult your physician before.
About the author
Nice recipes, juices are just perfect to increase the good properties and benefits of a recommended diet, drinking a couple of them per week can really improve everything! So it is always good to know new recipes to combine fruits without contraindications and I hope to include them as soon as possible
Thank you so much!! I have been wanting to detox for a while, but I feel like there’s so much information on teh web about it, and all the advice regarding detox is so different, so it’s hard to plan some sort of easy, practical detox plan, but the way you guys laid this out makes it look so simple!