Published: 11/06/2006 - Updated: 06/09/2017
The Environment Minister, Cristina Narbona, has opened today, Friday, the Biocultura Fair. The minister noted that "we need a clean food production, in industry, in every sector …our planet needs that. In addition, waste and pollution affect more and more to those who have less. It gives us all an ethical challenge to return to harmony with our planet, without producing pollution, while growing our company." In this regard, the minister said "the government is preparing new legislation to enable citizens to enjoy a clean environment, pure water, some healthy food. That is what our Constitution says…." said Narbona about the law on coexistence of GM crops that will be the best to the 'organic' and should be done with the greatest caution. She recalled that “laws are prepared so that any citizen can request information on crops for which neither government nor business can operate with impunity in the field of genetic modification." Narbona also announced a new policy of "organic". The Administration wants "to help companies that do not pollute and cause waste."
Angeles Parra, Biocultura director and secretary general of the Vida Sana Association, said at the opening of the fair that "we welcome the Ministry of Agriculture that will soon begin the announced plan to promote organic products. This is what the sector needs, which, by promoting the benefits of these products, grows domestic consumption." On the other hand, Parra insisted that "Many exhibitors and consumers come to Biocultura, who have invested with enthusiasm and a determination on the type of clean production, for a better world, respecting Mother Earth."
Emilio Rico, President of the Board of Organic Agriculture in the Region of Murcia and INTEREC, who also participated in the inauguration, recalled the link between Murcia and Ace Vida Sana, Biocultura hosts, and the first product certified 'organic' was the Spanish Calasparra rice. Before, it was thought that this type of agriculture with the environment and health of citizens was a matter of pseudo-hippies. But reality has shown that this is not a utopia, but a project with future. Moreover, Rico stressed Minister Narbona as means to the Spanish Government for the "bio" at the time that the law of coexistence is not a serious threat to our agriculture, and healthy future. Almudena Rodriguez, director general of the Food Industry and Ministry of Agriculture, said: "A long time ago I knew organic agriculture and Bioculture. It is a pleasure to return here. Much work done. We will boost domestic consumption because that is where the future of the industry is. We promote to consumers, the distributors and manufacturers. "
Offering Fair includes exhibitors from 650 certified organic food to be located in Hall and Convention Hall in La Pipa are installed as different therapies, cosmetics, NGOs, crafts, music and publishing, bio – and renewable energy, ecology, tourism, and more than 170 panel discussions, lectures, workshops that are part of the debate in favor of a dignified life in peace. Expected attendance of around 140,000 people.
This year, the protagonist is the Autonomous Community of Murcia Region. He coordinated the participation of the Board Ecological Agricultural Production. Also involved in the act are Cachorro Pedro Llorente, director of Madrid Espacios y Congresos, Jose Fernandez Lopez, secretary general of the Agriculture and Water in the Region of Murcia.
About the author
Yes, I completely agree. And in fact, not only would I say that we need to protect organic agriculture and continue to grow it, but we need to eliminate the “conventional” methods of growing food, with chemicals and pesticides. Even the title “organic” doesn’t mean chemical free however, which we need to work towards.