Published: 02/24/2009 - Updated: 10/09/2018
Author: Jorgelina Reyente
Cos amb Ment, (Mind with Body), is the result of an effort to bring together a unique and effective manner of the different Therapeutic Specialties that have so far been dispersed. The main objective of this center has been established natural a real line between the different fields of Medicine and Health with a single look, combating the disease effectively.
Cos amb Ment, is the basis of two coupled independences to be bound together and secure: the body and mind.
Treatments are intended solely for the following pathologies:
The mind
In depressive disorders, personality disorders, Anxiety, Emotional Disorders, Stress, Fears and Phobias Aggressiveness, shyness, insomnia, anorexia, bulimia, sexual problems, sexual abuse, separations, Tobacco, Alcoholemia, drug addiction, school failure, difficulties Communication, Lack of meaning in the Life Orientation Staff. Etc.
The body
Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, chronic fatigue, poor appetite, problems of menopause, joint pain, arthritis, arthritis, rheumatism, bone, skin problems, Varicosis Tired Legs, Migraine Headaches, Cholesterol, Hypotension, digestive problems and intestinal, Hepatitis, Diabetes allergies, sprains, strains, muscular problems, Contractures, back pain, Cholesterol. Etc.
The team consists of professionals and skilled and a wide experience: Psychologists, Psychotherapists, hypnotherapist, Chiromassage Therapeutics, Reflexologist, naturopaths, dietitians, Chromotherapist, acupuncturist.
Without a pool of specialists led by a team, it is very difficult to reach a diagnosis and less knowledge of the personality and health of a patient as well as advise and prescribe the information to preserve, improve or regain lost health .
Cos amb Ment, aims to have a deep knowledge of the possible state of health , through a diagnosis with the media, advanced and psychological support necessary in order to achieve an improvement in their health prior to treatment of physical problems identified and improve their social relationships, family and working. The best specialists in different branches of alternative medicine, training and group therapy and seek a diagnostic in order to guide a better quality of life, maintaining a regular relationship with patient.
Natural Therapy
- Cellulite Treatment
- Obesity Treatment
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Foot Reflexology
- Osteopathy
Therapeutic treatments
- Chiromassage Therapists
- Thai Massage
- Sports MassageMassage Antistress
- Chocolate
Alternative Medicine
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Psychotherapy
- Music TherapyHistory of Hypnosis
- Chromotherapy
- Clinical Hypnosis
- Bach Flower
- Regressive Therapy
- Homeopathy
- Reiki
- Naturopathy
- Acupuncture
Technique EFT Emotional release
Cos amb Ment is a center that is supported by the pillars of Homeopathy
What is Homeopathy?
It is a Medicine system founded in the early nineteenth century by a German physician named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. is scheduled for many in the alternative medicine after it emerged that its founder resigned conventional medical practice as being very aggressive and unscientific .
The name homeopathy was coined by Dr. Hahnemann and comes from two Greek roots, homoios = like or similar, and pathos = disease. This name describes perfectly the philosophy, to make homeopathic products, such as curing the like. Once coined the name of homeopathy, called allopathy conventional medical practice, according to the Greek root of this word, which means the disease as opposed to it.
The homeopathic medicines, from a variety of sources , the most common plant is the , but there are also many other drugs that come from animal sources, minerals and chemicals. All homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on symptoms they may cause, when administered to a healthy individual. This is what humans have been tested before being prescribed to patients, and patient who needs a homeopathic medicine, is prescribed to make it be as similar as possible to the disease they suffer.
This homeopathic medicine will stimulate the body's defenses so that the cause of diseases that can attack an individual is cured. The Classical Homeopathy , is based on three fundamental principles are:
- The Law of Similar
- The law of Unique medicine
- The law of The minimum dose
The Law of Similar, that the medicines should be prescribed on the basis of these symptoms can cause when administered to healthy individuals, and so as to cure illness. To achieve this, they must have complete information on all the signs and symptoms that the patient has, together with modalities, i.e., all that changed with the patient's symptoms. An experienced homeopath must prescribing a medicine that covers all the signs and symptoms of the disease that afflicts the patient, rather than prescribing a medicine for every symptom that manifests itself.
Initially, the minimum dose is what has led many critics to homeopathic medicine, as it is difficult for some people to understand how such a small amount of medicine can have any effect on the body. In this respect we can say this: not all medications are prescribed in infinitesimal doses, and this would require, for its efficacy that is both clinically and experimentally has been found throughout the years.
Remember that the homeopathic medicine is completely natural, that seeks only to stimulate the healing of the body , which has no capacity to cause side effects or undesirable and that due this, it is important that the patient will help to the healing. This will help in the form of diet, exercise, or change some habits, depending on each particular case.
Center Cos amb Ment
Avinguda dels Reis Catolics No. 3, Door 2 Alfafar
46910 – Valencia
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