Published: 05/19/2010 - Updated: 03/17/2019
According to current data, organic farming in Spain has experienced over the past years significant growth in both area and number of operators. So say the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs.
And is that the surface of agricultural products has increased by 21.64% and the number of operators, reaching 27 627 in 2009, representing an increase of 17.70% over the previous year. On the other hand, the 4548 Organic Farming has been farming in 2009, representing a 19.28 percent more than in 2008. Also your total processors and processors of organic products related to plant production which amounted to 2475 in 2009.
According to these data, the area devoted to organic farming has been an increase of 21.64%, with a total of 1.60287 million hectares, compared to 1,317,751 hectares dedicated to this type of activity in 2008. Stresses also the growing number of operators, which reaches 27 627 compared with 23 473 in 2008, a 17.70% increase, representing a further step in consolidating the sector.
The fundamental characteristic of organic production in Spain is its diversity, the result of the different agricultural sectors, production systems, climates and cultures in the country.
This explains that organic production is present in all the Autonomous Communities, adapting them each with their specific circumstances. On 2009 data, shows that the surface has increased in absolute terms and particularly in Castilla la Mancha.
Thus the total area registered as organic Mancha amounts to 246 076 hectares, an increase of 105.63% compared to 2008.
Andalucia Spanish community continues with more surface area recorded, amounting in 2009 to a total of 866 799 hectares, representing an increase of 10.55% over last year.
It also highlights Extremadura, with 115 018 hectares increased 34.04% and Catalonia, with 71 734 hectares increased by 15.09% to 66.73 thousand hectares Aragón current decreases slightly compared to 2008.
They are followed in size, Murcia, 60 742 hectares, which increased by 61.55%, and Valencia with 38 754 ha 7.30% increase.
Small communities or provincial also increase the organic area. Thus, the Basque Country has 1484 hectares, 6043 Madrid, Cantabria and Asturias 5796, with 14 019 hectares in 2009 has doubled its size recorded in two years.
As for the productive orientation of organic farming in Spain, highlights the forests and pastures and meadows, which represent a total of 1,030,889, a figure that increased by 21.51% over last year and that is the basis of livestock Eco.
On the other hand, the organic agricultural area under cultivation has risen in 2009-571981 hectares, an increase of 21.87% compared to last year.
Notable cereals 183 458 hectares, representing 10 percent of the total area entered and the orchard with 127 040 hectares, representing 7.93 percent of the total.
Nuts with 87 335 hectares and the vines with 53 958 hectares, which respectively increase 24.65% and 74.87% compared to 2008.
Other products small in size, but economic fundamental are the citrus fruit and vegetables, tubers and pulses.
In regard to operators, their number in 2009 amounted to 27 627, representing an increase of 17.70 percent. That number includes a 25 291 for the primary sector producers, with 2465 processors and 93 importers.
The overall national increase of 13.70% was in 18.79% of the processors and producers.
The largest number of operators is set in Andalusia, amounting to a total of 8444, an increase of 3.93% compared to 2008.
Castilla-La Mancha in 4896, Extremadura and Murcia, 2393 3743.
Below are the Valencian Community and Catalonia 1533 1431 operators.
The Autonomous Communities with fewer operators are Cantabria and the Basque Country with 161 and 244 each, but have experienced significant advances in 11.81 and 2.95% respectively.
The largest number of operators in manufacturing or producer, introduced this year with 586 Andalusia, followed by Catalonia with 476. These two communities, the most industrial of the Spanish organic production, are alternating order in the last three years.
Other points of their increases, with 42.2% Asturias, Extremadura 35.38%, 32.79% and Galicia Canarias 21.88%.
In 4548 Farming highlights the registered livestock farms in 2009, a 19.28 percent more than in 2008.
Veal excel 2106 to 2023 are the meat and milk 83, 124 026 and 3978 comprising heads respectively.
The sheep, with 1,168 farms for meat and milk 40.
Then the goat farm consisting of 355 meat and milk 42. There are also 145 pig farms and Poultry: 46 farms for meat and 137 eggs.
Finally, there are 190 establishments for bee.
Finally, for the first time, has recorded 309 farms horses and three for aquaculture.
Plant Production
The total number of processors and processors of organic products in 2009, related to crop production amounted to 2475.
437 industries are handling and packaging of fresh produce, are 408 and Bottling Wine Cellars, 297 and bottle olive oil mills, 233 companies Bakery and Pasta, Canned & Juices 168, 100, handling and packaging Nuts 96 Aromatic and Medicinal Preparation, Processing and Packaging 88 Cereals and Legumes, 78, various food preparations, among others.
Highlight Catalonia and Andalusia with 518 industries with 502, followed by Valencia with 349 establishments.
Animal Production
The industries related to livestock production totaled 567 total, highlighting the 124 slaughterhouses and cutting plants, and the 109 industries Milk, cheese and dairy products.
Also of note is the 107 bottling honey.
Other important figures of 2009 are the 50 industries sausages and salted meat, the 49 industries in fresh meat packaging, the 47-handling and packaging of fresh eggs and the same figure of 47 for feed mills.
In this type of industries is first with 144 Andalusia industries experienced an increase of 105.71%, doubling the number for 2008. Catalonia Follow-related industries with 139 animal production also dramatically increases a 43.30%. With very considerable increases below 36 Baleares, Galicia with 33, 31 and 27 Asturias Castilla y León.
Highlights included for the first time, 10 ecological industrial development and preservation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs.
Source: Healthy lifestyle
About the author
I used to live in Spain a few years ago and this data was a lot way lower than now, so I?m glad to see that there is more progress talking about the conscious and healthy production of fruits, vegetables and products of animal origin like milk, honey and other, I hope to see a better improvement in the following years in the rest of countries.
Wow!! that’s incredible that more than 21% of Spanish agricultural land is dedicated to organic farming!! That’s amazing and makes me so proud of Spain! I would like to read a similar review of American agriculture, because it sure seems like a MUCH smaller percentage of our land is used for organic/sustainable produce.