Published: 01/20/2010 - Updated: 10/25/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Eating is one of the greatest pleasures of mankind; nature gave us the privilege of tasting the food, and not just putting it in our mouth and swallowing it. The human being enjoys eating and when he/she does, seems not only nourishing the body, but something else seems like being satisfied and nourished with this delight. Eating with pleasure is totally natural, the problem is when we eat and the taste starts to become an imbalance, and a way to satisfy other needs that are not exactly of the body.
What is a compulsive eater?
A compulsive eater is one who eats impulsively following a strong inner desire to eat without control, what makes him/her eat larger quantities of food, most often with exaggeration. This eating disorder is often closely related to stress, pain, fear, self-demanding, and so on., Attacks especially those overweight people who have to be constantly dieting and have to forgo "the strength "of eating certain foods, but does not exclude people of normal weight or even thin.
What causes this condition?
One of its main causes is the sense of dissatisfaction within the individual. This dissatisfaction can be caused by feelings of inability to meet high expectations or ideals, whether they are imposed by society, the family or by the same individual. This feeling of not proceeding beyond the control of the individual can make the person feel very insecure, with a strong "empty inside" which translates as fear, anxiety, severe requirement, strong self-criticism or fear of being unable to satisfy or comply with such ideals. The compulsive eater "does not feel full." This feeling of "missing affective" could explain why eating without being hungry or when the stomach is full happens.
What consequences may result?
Compulsive eating is a condition that can lead to many pleasant consequences, such as obesity (and all diseases that derive from it) as well as social, psychological (guilt, discomfort, etc.). And, above all, self-esteem ( feelings of inferiority, self-rejection, etc.)..
What can you do?
One of the problems facing the compulsive eater is that many times, although he/she is recognized as such, does not seem very interested in remedying it. This seems to be that usually many people around him/her are telling to moderate in eating or making diet, or "stop eating", without taking into account that food is an emotional refuge. If it is true that to stop having certain harmful conduct is necessary to have will, we should also consider the emotional world of those who suffer. In this case, the compulsive eater might feel really dissatisfied or severely judged (by yourself or by others), and much could be helped if we consider this aspect.
Generally, a compulsive eater feels that by failing to meet certain expectations will not have the recognition, appreciation, admiration or value that somehow every human being needs as a soul. This feeling usually tends to happen when is concerned about (or has been) an environment where he/she has received much criticism, perfectionism, demand or constant disapproval or, conversely, could have been a forgiving environment where the individual has no limits for self assessment. If in any case, the individual cannot find how to deal with either the persistent failure, critical or otherwise, then could really feel very confused and void as to what exactly must be done to meet what is required to earn admiration, respect and affection of others.
Children and youth who eat impulsively
In this case, you can assess the environment, to detect whether there is any authority or adult who constantly tried this, failing or needing "perfection". Often this requires great awareness and understanding from those who surround the child or young person, suppressing food; refusing or failing in this attitude only further promote and cause great emotional harm.
Adults who eat compulsively
In the case of an adult is needed awareness of the way as he/she is and looks; start stopping the judging and blaming attitude. Self observation is important in the way as the adult in question and talking to himself, and identifies the disapproval, criticism and perfectionism. Although not always necessary, it often requires professional help to find, understand and strengthen those beliefs that undermine the individual's emotional world. Many times, the comprehensive guide to a dietician or a good psychologist can help, but in reality, what counts most is undoubtedly the will of healing yourself.
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