Published: 04/15/2013 - Updated: 06/17/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
Collagen is one of the dietary supplements that have become popular because it is an element that helps the body to repair cells and look young and healthy, so many people do not hesitate to buy it and take it for its long list of promises health benefits.
If you are taking collagen daily, it is necessary to know something more on issues of consumption, since collagen must have an intelligent use either taken in pill, supplement or otherwise.
Getting to know the collagen
Collagen is the cornerstone of all our body's soft tissue; these soft tissues include veins, arteries, lymphatic vessels, skin, joint cartilage and all muscles of the body. Every day we make continuous cell repair, and collagen helps shape the tissues, keeping them strong, healthy and resilient. When collagen is needed, the skin look flabby and weak, and easily hang causing wrinkles and aging skin, as well as our muscles are weakened or look lean and our tendons, arteries, veins, etc., may weaken.
The various collagen supplements
When we decide to buy or consume supplements with collagen, is precisely what we intend to avoid the missing collagen in your body and help maintain youth and health of our muscles, bones, skin, etc. When we take this collagen, it can reverse and avoid unwanted effects.
The collagen we buy to make this happen may be in powder, tablet, supplement and mixed with vitamin C (which helps the collagen to be absorbed efficiently by the body), in pills that make the promise of help relieve arthritis, osteoporosis, aging skin, or sports (to help build muscle, etc.). On the other hand, there are collagen injections which advertise to help the person back to health and youth of skin or to create fuller lips. Finally, we found the collagen in a long list of facial creams that promise to help with the restoration of youth.
Effects of collagen
If you consume collagen in any way, you must take into account:
- Collagen Injection is shown to be one of the most effective, lasts in skin about 3 months. However, if you inject it, your body could often be loose to make its own collagen, so you should consider not only the injections but below the recommended diet for your skin to help repair and regenerate faster. On the other hand, if you decide to inject, consider that collagen used is usually from chickens and cows, so you should do a little test and see if you have an allergic reaction.
- Collagen cream is not recommended because although it may help moisturize your skin, collagen is really difficult to absorb through the skin because its molecule is too large. In this case, it is better to buy a cream of aloe or honey, and spread to the skin to naturally stimulate the production of collagen, so your skin will be moisturized and rejuvenated, especially if you lean on a diet rich in nutrients for your skin. If you already have a cream with collagen, we recommend you use it after showering when pores are well dilated, gives a massage on your face with small taps to help absorption.
- Avoid taking collagen that is not certified as some brands may contain collagen of poor quality.
- If you decide to take collagen supplements is very important that you combine with a balanced diet, remember that no supplement replace the food, as food quality contain substances essential for plasma particles to absorb collagen. For a young beautiful skin, collagen needs vitamin C and A, natural juices are great, as well as fresh salads.
- It is recommended to take supplements of collagen with empty stomach since this avoids anabolic competition with other amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids, sugars and other absorbable substance.
- Prefer these supplements when are made of hydrolyzed collagen, as the composition contains a longest chain of peptides.
Suggested Diet
For better use of collagen, you should drink fresh vegetable juice daily, especially citrus orange, carrot juice with celery, salad sprouts, tomato and semi raw broccoli, etc.. Also, include in your diet seafood, and plenty of water a day (minimum 2 liters).
About the author
There are many products that claim that can make you look young and healthy but not all of them are good for your body and since every person is different and has other needs, I recommend visiting a doctor before including one of these products and better try to include natural food that contain collagen
I’m not sure that any of these injections or creams are really good for you at all. I actually really agree with Allison’s comment, that I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor, or doing something naturally, or even just change your diet and habits, if you’re really worried about the way your skin looks. Age is inevitable.