Coffee or Tea? More than a matter of taste
Often people have a dilemma as to whether to drink coffee or tea, as both can be beneficial to health but their benefits are not the same.
This is a beverage rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, which slow the ageing of cells and exert a protective effect against cell mutations that can affect human health. Thanks to these, coffee antioxidants can help combat the effects of free radicals that can cause disease themselves, some of which include some types of cancer, from which, according to scientific studies, coffee consumption has a protective effect .
While some people argue that 4 cups of coffee a day are needed to benefit from its effects, actually there is no established recommended dose and this is because all individuals display different tolerances to caffeine and its different assimilated components. Some studies indicate that the amount of coffee needed to benefit from its effects is too high, so it could cause more harm than the benefits it brings to our health.
Coffee is not be recommended for people with hypertension because the caffeine can help to raise blood pressure. Also, some people are sensitive to caffeine and cannot tolerate even one cup. Although there is the option of decaffeinated coffee, it is not completely free of caffeine and so consuming several cups of decaffeinated coffee for those who are sensitive to caffeine is not recommended.
Famous for its many health benefits, tea can prevent a wide variety of diseases according to the type we drink.
Tea against diseases
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has long been known for its cancer-fighting properties and its usefulness in preventing cardiovascular disease. Recently, Japanese researchers have discovered that tea can also help combat allergies because their antioxidants are capable of blocking the biochemical processes that produce an allergic reaction in the body.
The different types of tea and its benefits
The range of different tea is vast. Not only are there various types for each and everyone's tastes, but also for many ailments and a variety of different uses. For example, Oolong tea helps to delay ageing.
As for green tea, thereare many benefits that we can highlight: It is rich in antioxidants, it has slimming effects and contributes to the prevention of diseases.
White tea is considered an "elixir of immortality". Among all of the teas, white teas have a greater protective effect against cancer, and contribute to lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.
Red tea is especially suitable to combat bad cholesterol, while black tea has properties similar to green tea with the only real difference being that the latter is considered to have less prominent effects.
The recommended dose of tea to really benefit from its effects often varies depending on the type of tea. However, usually it has a recommended average of 3-4 cups distributed throughout the day. Tea also contains protein which is technically caffeine, although in lesser amounts than coffee, but it is necessary to keep in mind. There are some teas without caffeine, for example red or white tea.
Furthermore, due to such a large variety of teas existing in the world, it is necessary to enquire whether there are any health warnings with regard to the consumption of each specific tea, as they may also vary depending on the type of tea.