Published: 05/01/2010 - Updated: 11/05/2017
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
The citrus word refers to species of large evergreen shrubs or small trees whose fruits are naturally high in vitamin C and citric acid, which provides that typical acid and characteristic taste. They are covered by a hard shell and a soft pulp grouped into segments. The best known examples are: orange, lemon, mandarin, tangerine, grapefruit and lime.
These fruits have been faithful companions of health, have a long list of properties among which is their extraordinary cleanser power, which helps keep the intestines and blood clean and healthy, and if they are clean, reduce almost all health problems.
Citrus Properties
- Rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc.
- Provide high amounts of flavonoids, vitamin A, B1 and B2.
- Contain citric acid (vitamin C) in abundance, which is used very extensively in the pharmaceutical industry and strengthens the body's defenses.
- Vitamin C also participates in the maintenance of bones, teeth and blood vessels, and positively involved in the formation and maintenance of collagen. It also protects vitamin A and vitamin E from oxidation, as well as some complex compound B (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid and pantothenic acid). It has an anti-infectious and antitoxic and helps the absorption of iron in the body.
- They are rich in antioxidants, helping to form collagen, slow the deterioration of the skin and premature wrinkling.
- They have digestive properties, a substance that aids digestion.
- They are purifiers par excellence, contain high amounts of soluble fiber helps the body to eliminate fat and disease-causing toxic waste and excess.
- They are very energetic and protect the heart from cardiovascular disease. .
- Fight infections and prevent contagion.
- Reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
- Help prevent various types of cancers (lung, mouth, esophagus, larynx, pancreas, among others).
- Reduce the formation of bad cholesterol and neutralizes the formation of cancerous substances.
- They are refreshing.
- Prevent colds and flu.
- They have expectorant properties, help in the evacuation of mucus or nasal congestion and rapid recovery of lung diseases.
- Help normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Improve the functioning of the immune system helping fight disease.
- Facilitate the elimination of uric acid.
- Fight anemia.
- Improve healing and red blood cell production.
- They help reduce the risk of cataracts or macular degeneration.
- Participate in the formation of collagen for growth and repair of cells, tissues, gums, bones and blood vessels.
- They help heal people suffering from diabetes and osteoporosis.
- Prevent and combat hair loss and deterioration of the hair and nails. If you want to have strong nails, simply rub them occasionally with a little lemon.
- The lemon helps fight disease of the scalp, plus it is excellent for strengthening gums and teeth. A mouthful of water with drops of lemon is ideal to refresh your mouth, keep gums and prevent tooth decay.
When should I eat citrus fruits?
People have the idea that citrus are good for hot weather, however, we can find these wonderful fruit at shops and supermarkets for practically every season. Laura Kohan, in her book “Healthy Food for the XXI century” tells us that "… Mother Nature is very wise, it may have created a nutritional gem of these features to earmark only in winter. Centuries ago, when its cultivation was introduced in Europe, these fruits had to be adapted to the climatic conditions in Europe." She also says: "There is another very good reason to eat citrus fruits throughout the year. If it is positive to strengthen our immune system to be prepared to fight winter colds and flus, it is equally important to protect it from temperature fluctuations inherent to any change of season. At any time of year, citrus assure us healthy defenses, and has bactericidal effect, an effective way to cleanse the body. "
What is the best way to eat citrus fruits?
As powerful debuggers and for therapeutic purposes, they should not be combined with any fruit or other food, and take them preferably in the morning, fresh. A glass of any citrus, fasting, helps eliminate toxins and waste in intestine and blood. Try not to let more than five minutes after squeezing juice from citrus fruits, because the vitamin usually oxidizes rapidly. Fasting, drinking lemon juice in half a glass of warm water is an ancient remedy very effective and clean helps stimulate the pancreas, intestines and liver.
A recommended dose of citrus is three glasses or three pieces a day. During pregnancy and lactation, these doses are increased, ensuring that the juice is always as fresh as possible so that it retains all its nutrients.
The citrus in the kitchen
Citrus is one of the best seasonings and colleagues in the kitchen; they add a special touch to the dishes, in salads, dressings, etc.
The peel of citrus fruit to combat cancer
In the aforementioned book by Laura Kohan, she says that "… cancer has a powerful new ally: the peel of citrus. It is suspected that can play an important role in some cancers such as breast, stomach, skin and lung. "
In addition to the general properties of citrus, each of them presents very peculiar characteristics. For example, the grapefruit helps burn fat and reduce overweight and possesses satiating effects. It is also a fruit with more antioxidant content, which helps rejuvenate the skin. To learn more about citrus and other recipes, please buy the book by Laura Kohan, Healthy Food for the XXI Century, Local-Global editorial. This book will take you for an interesting ride about whole grains, seeds, nuts and much more. If you are interested in the finer things in life … do not miss it!
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