Published: 04/16/2015 - Updated: 04/08/2016
Author: Miriam Reyes1 Comments
Chlorella is a fresh water seaweed, it is microscopic and contains an abundant amount of chlorophyll. Its scientific name is Chlorella Pyrenoidosa. Its name comes from two vowels, “Chloros” and “Ella”, which mean green and small, respectively.
The seaweed Chlorella is considered a natural source of nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, as well as plant proteins. It is also an incredible source of Chlorophyll.
Nutrition Content
This seaweed is very nutritious. It contains an estimated 60% plant-based protein, providing 18 amino acids, including essential amino acids. It also contains a compound known as CGF, which is a growth factor for chlorella, a characteristic phytonutrient in the plant.
Chlorella is also rich in vitamins like beta carotene, B complex vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, and other vitamins, like E and K. This seaweed also has minerals, like magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorous.
Benefits of Chlorella
Currently, chlorella is considered to be an appropriate dietary supplement for improving nutrition. Consuming it can help foster a strong immune system, preventing and fighting infections.
Chlorella seaweed also improves digestion by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. This provides numerous benefits for digestive system problems, like colitis and diverticulitis, and it even helps alleviate constipation.
Chlorella is believed to be a very useful supplement for fighting radiotherapy side effects, which is used to treat certain types of cancer.
In Asia it is used to provide energy and to reduce blood cholesterol levels. It can also be used to alleviate gastritis, constipation and for improving diseases, like diabetes and hypertension.
Cleansing the Body
One of Chlorella’s most popular properties is its ability to detoxify the body.
The body is exposed to a lot of types of toxins in today’s world, from chemicals used to preserve foods for longer periods of time, to pesticides, which we unfortunately ingest. When these toxins accumulate in the body, both metabolism and general health are affected, which makes Chlorella useful.
This seaweed grows in fresh water and can help the body eliminate toxins and even heavy metals, like mercury, lead, and even cadmium and arsenic, an extremely toxic material.
Improves Liver Function
One of the body’s most sensitive organs to toxins or toxic agents we’re exposed to is the liver. Consuming chlorella seaweed could improve the elimination of toxins.
Important in Preventing Cancer
Habitual chlorella consumption could be useful for preventing certain types of cancer. According to studies, it is likely to reduce the risk of breast cancer, although studies have only been applied to animals, meaning that these effects still need deeper study. Some people believe that its protection is due to the fact that it stimulates the production of T cells, which attack viruses and even tumors.
We should also mention that these benefits are associated with this seaweed’s high chlorophyll content, which is currently the largest known source of this substance. Chlorella seaweed also provides beta carotenes that also stimulate the immune system.
Chlorella Supplements
Chlorella seaweed can be cultivated in controlled ponds. It needs to be exposed to sunlight, and quality is controlled by means of tests and control measures.
It is commonly found in different forms, either by itself or combined with other nutrient-rich foods, like wheatgrass, spirulina or other seaweeds.
Health Applications
In addition to all the aforementioned benefits that chlorella seaweed has to offer, it was traditionally used to alleviate or improve certain conditions, like allergies, asthma, colds, and even the flu.
It can also be used to improve skin conditions, like acne, burns, and eczema.
Other applications include accelerated wound healing, treating diabetes and hypertension, fighting chronic fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, stress and even depression. We should also point out that it has been said to help alkalize the blood, which some people state tends to be acidic due to our modern diet.
Side Effects
It is fairly safe and has no serious side effects. We do recommend, however, including it in small doses to integrate it with your diet, because it could cause mild stomach irritation when ingested immediately.
Women that are pregnant or breastfeeding can consume chlorella in most cases, thanks to its nutritional value. You should consult a doctor, however, prior to using it to know if this is recommended or not.
The only contraindication known today for chlorella seaweed is when used in relation to thyroid diseases, as its iodine content could cause alterations.
About the author
It’s really amazing some of the things that grow in water. Not only just fresh water, but salt water as well. I love the thought of tapping into that resource, because all too often we get locked into a “land lubber’s” mindset, where for those of us that gather from the woods still, sometimes forget about things like chlorella!