Published: 07/04/2006 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Childhood obesity has increased in recent years due to a change in the leisure habits of this population, as said the director of the Agency for Health Protection and Food Safety of Castilla y León, Clara Berbel yesterday in Palencia.
Increasing childhood obesity is an issue of concern in which poor nutrition affects both the change in the habits of leisure and recreation of children, said Berbel in a regional day on "Functional Food" organized by the Technology Center of Grain de Castilla y León (CETEC).
"Kids run and jump far less than what we did, using their free time in activities far less healthy than exercise," said Berbel. "Obesity is one of the most worrisome epidemics of the civilized world, while the other side of the planet suffers from the opposite," she added.
The director of the Agency for Health Protection and Food Safety said the company asks for more "functional food" because it has evolved "from simple nutritional function of survival that food had to feed a quality, safe and value." The topic of "functional foods" is of great interest to society because it has many applications such as the use of enzymes to reduce calories or the importance of legumes in a healthy diet, explained Berbel.
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