Published: 10/05/2005 - Updated: 09/12/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes3 Comments
This is a problem almost exclusively of women, it is possible to detect case of cellulitis in one of and two women but in men is one in fifty, so the difference is big. This is because the distribution of adipose or fatty tissue that is very different in the woman's body is prepared for the priority development of the children and this requires that the distribution of adipose tissue differently from men, favoring the occurrence of accumulations of fat.
What is cellulite?
It is an aesthetic and functional disorder, which affects mostly women, manifested by the accumulation of fluids and fat in some areas of the body. This accumulation occurs in the subcutaneous tissue (fat) that is immediately below the skin, and compromises the flow of the area, including skin that is over.
This concept exceeds the simple act of accumulation of fat in a given region (why does not respond to diet), and speaks of an alteration of the structure of the subcutaneous tissue, adipose tissue and circulation neighbor. Thus, the condition is the formation of a pathological material similar in consistency to gelatin, made up of fat, water and waste, compartmentalized structure, which is trapped under the skin. For that reason, even with the strictest diets, this tissue does not react like other fats, which are eliminated.
However, there are many non-specialist audience on the causes and treatment of cellulite, because it is a process of general interest. The term 'cellulite' is from France, which has been described several decades ago.
Cellulite is more common in obese women, but can also affect thin. Not all fat deposits that are located around the hips or thighs are cellulite. For some authors, cellulite is a process exclusively for female, since it is produced by estrogen, and for others, men can also develop cellulite, especially around the waist.
People has christened by the name of "cellulite" to those mountain of fat that are hidden under the skin. Looking good in the term "cellulite" we will see that its meaning is "inflammation of the cells, which in part appears to respond to the fat cells growing in size when feeding in excess, so are "inflamed" -. What is not so certain is that the cellulite is fetched and carried, as the merchants and lawyers of creams, chemicals and equipment to remove it, a special type of fat, fat mass is completely different to all that we can accumulate anywhere on the body.
But it is named to fat deposits that form a kind of bag under the skin, with the characteristic appearance of swelling and a texture similar to the skin of oranges. Typically, such accumulations were found in the hips, lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and attack more women than men due to hormonal, constitutional and physiological differences.
However, even if it has become so popular, the term "cellulitis" lacks scientific basis. To demonstrate that numerous studies have been made consistent human fat biopsies taken from locations where it was felt that there was an accumulation of normal fat presented the configuration "classic" cellulite. Both fat biopsies are perfectly indistinguishable from each other when seen in the microscope of the researcher and the eyes of experts and laymen. And its chemical composition is, of course, identical.
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The only difference in the appearance of the "normal" fat layer no is that "cellulite" emerges as a greater accumulation of fat size in a given area where, presumably, the cells have grown too fat in size or even new ones have emerged, after adolescence fat cells can "born" but not "die" just reduced, hence the loss of turgidity that often occurs in people who do not exercise once they have reached full development.
Now we know that cellulite is fat pure at all other than this one. This is simply a large deposit to others located anywhere in the body.
Tips to eliminate cellulite
Cellulitis produces holes in the skin by the accumulation of water, fat and toxins, while leaving the skin soft sagging because lose muscle tone. Both are produced by hormonal imbalances, diets rich in fat and lack of exercise.
Legs: To have strong legs, muscles and no cellulite, it is best to exercise, so, walk half an hour a day and more. Prevent wearing tight pants, and if you have stretch marks do not lose weight sharply, or you will have more. Apply an anti-cellulite daily and once a week, this mask: Mix two tablespoons of hydrating salt and rub legs for five minutes. Rinse with water and soap. Exercise: Jogging, tennis, skiing and aerobics. At home, lie with legs up, knees bent and back to the starting position. Repeat 25 times.
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Chest and arms: To keep the breast firm, use clips cotton rings. In the shower, apply cold water in the chest, neck and arms, especially on the inside of them. If you have pimples, remove by rubbing gently with a sponge plant. After the shower, moisturize, insist the arms at the elbows and chest, especially when you have the rule: To avoid streaking. Exercise: The swimming and exercise with weights . At home, take a bag of a kilo of beans in each hand, stretched arms and upload it to the ceiling. Then take them forward. Repeat 10 times.
Belly: starting with the diet high in fiber and choose diuretic fruits and vegetables, such as lettuce, celery, spinach, cucumbers, leeks … Avoid anything that will produce gas as legumes, cauliflower, beans …-. When you have the rule: making a daily infusion of dandelion. It will help you to eliminate fluids. Exercise: especially swimming, and butterfly-back and abdominal . One very effective is to lie on the floor, supporting your feet in a chair incorporating the trunk by placing hands on the steering neck and forehead toward your knees. Do three sets of 10 repetitions each, every day and notice it.
Buttocks: Do you want to have it hard, firm and without cellulite? Climb up and down the stairs as you can and when you stop, put force of the buttocks. As for the food, take a lot of fiber, do not abuse the salt, fat, candy or soda, and drink at least two liters of water a day. Also, do not drink coffee and smoke. Avoid hot baths and apply cold water jets. After the shower, moisturize the skin and give a gentle massage with a firming cream or Anticellulitis. Exercise: Tennis, swimming, cycling, aerobics, jogging and steps. A specific exercise for this area is as follows: sitting on the floor with the legs, arms crossed and one leg stretched straight back and then another, as if you drag. Do it ten minutes a day.
Good food, never forget
Take water. Water eliminates toxins in the body. The amount of water that should be consumed varies from person to person but is recommended 8 glasses.
Salt is an enemy because it contributes to fluid retention in the body. Try to consume in moderation. Remember preserved meats, cheeses and some prepared foods such as dried or canned consommés have a lot of salt.
The natural fiber in food aids to our digestive systems work well without a problem and eliminate all waste. Eat fresh vegetables, leafy greens like spinach and avoid flour and refined sugars.
Fats also contribute to the accumulation of toxins and are highly fatteners. Particularly saturated fats like butter. Avoid it! Use low fat cooking and prefer polyunsaturated oils. But do not worry, the moderate use of oils is necessary for the body and must be consumed. Avoid fried foods like french fries or fried chicken. Avoid mayonnaise and dressings containing it. Mayonnaise is composed of oil and egg, is saturated fat.
Beware of abusing spices. The spices are healthy in moderation, but the misuse of pepper and other spices also irritates the stomach and contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body.
Avoid sodas. Carbonated beverages are full of artificial ingredients and lack of nutrients.
Dietary complements
Algae: The algae are fed directly by osmosis in seawater. Its wealth is unimaginable and feed on the same elements of the cell, its use does not carry risks of allergy or rejection. In the fight against cellulite, the most commonly used is called Fucus vesiculosus, rich in iodine, with great capacity to drain the toxins and to activate blood circulation.
Pineapple heart: This exotic plant has the ability to assist in the digestion of rich foods. This property is due to the presence of a proteolytic enzyme i.e. that digests proteins. This enzyme is only found in large amounts in the stem, so it is best to swallow capsules of pineapple stem, which help to fractionate abnormally secreted proteins (including the cause of cellulite) to assist removal.
Chitosan: This is a product of Chitin, a natural substance derived from the cuticles of some crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, lobsters). Its interest in the fight against cellulite is due to its high capacity to reduce the absorption of calories from fat. Ingested before meals imprison the fat in the stomach and absorb from being assimilated by the body and facilitating their elimination in a natural way, thereby reducing the caloric intake of the diet.
Infusions: For a real drain, we must use a combination of several plants, it is recommended the use of herbal teas produced by specialized laboratories. The tisanes of Artichoke, Cardillo, Chicory, Olive, Thyme and Lavender drain the liver, an organ essential to the elimination of toxins. Those of Hamamelis, Ginkgo and Red Vine are draining action, while the Vellosilla, Alisma or Queen of the meadows have renal action. You should not drink more than a pint of tea a day. The Ruscus aquleatus has diuretic qualities, properties that will drain fluid and improve limb circulation.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E protects the veins and arteries, to the extent that is prescribed to people who have suffered a heart attack. It is better to eat in a natural way. It is found in wheat, soybean, olive oil, fish oil, and nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc).
Carnitine: It is capable of transporting fatty deposits (passive transport) inside the mitochondria, which is the portion of the cell that transforms these fats into energy, i.e. it is achieved combustion of the same and therefore the inhibition of nodule much as those due to obesity.
Guarana: diuretic action and advocacy to reduce the swelling that leads to a feeling of heaviness and reduce body fat nodules.
Other remedies for cellulite
Massage device: Designed for those parts of the body more prone to cellulite, it does a continuous flow of suction and stretching that provides a deep massage to the layer of cellulite, the process resembles the formation of a wave on the skin. The frequency of use is recommended 10-15 minutes on each leg 3 times a week.
Reflexology: This part of the principle that each organ or body part has an area reflected on the surface of the soles of the feet, and the exact pressure in these points that make the map allows the body to harmonize the whole body. It is especially effective for reviving the system of elimination of toxins. Depending on the type of cellulite, reflexology works on the hormonal system or drainage.
About the author
I have cellulite and now that I read this I am not afraid of saying so since you say that almost all women have this complication, of course is the diet, the stress and the tight clothes, but if we can change at least the activity and the food we do and consume, then we are doing a great step
I myself have cellulite too, I am not afraid of saying that but yes of showing my legs and buttocks in public… just imagine showing that on the beach, that is why I am losing many experiences with my children and my husband and I want this to stop now!
thanks for the advises guys, you know what I need..