Published: 07/27/2006 - Updated: 07/15/2016
The CCPAE is struggling for a long time so that organic agriculture does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), while the Catalan administration is trying to impose a limit of tolerance up to a 0.9 per cent of pollution. Index is not accepted by the CCPAE or the sector of organic agriculture.
With the drafting and approval of the Technical Standards book of Catalan production (QNT) by the administration of Catalonia, Board of Governors meeting on July 24 days, it dismissed the point on the 01.02.07 threshold permissiveness of GMOs in organic agriculture. The Governing Board did not accept the rate imposed by the Catalan administration.
According to Daniel Valls, president of ACFA, “people will know that the Board of Governors agreed that the limit serious pollution of 0 percent, both in crops and in products.” Furthermore, various governing boards have addressed the DARP [Department of Agriculture, Fisheries of the Generalitat of Catalonia] our mind. Therefore, the QNT has presented the will of the CCPA or the Catalan of the organic sector.
The QNT is the document that has to realize the policy aspects covered by the European regulation and are not well defined, to establish the technical rules applicable to operators on a few in the wine, and do not include the technical aspects covered by the regulation. In addition to adjusting the rules that define the ecological system of agricultural production and food to the features and specifications of the own territory of Catalonia.
The rules for organic agriculture (EEC) 2092/91 establishes rule of production, processing, labeling and control system products. In this respect, European legislation is already clear that only the labeling of products that have been "developed without the use of genetically modified organisms or products derived from these organisms.”
Daniel Valls believes that acceptance of a limit other than zero tolerance would accept that 'organic foods can be contaminated by default'. Also Engrácia Valls, organic consumer representative on the Board of Governors of the CCPA-Cooperative Federation of Consumers and Users and Ecoconsum Catalonia (Catalan coordinator of consumer cooperatives of organic products) – announced that it would not be part of an organization that certifies food the support for organic agriculture and containing GMOs. Along the same lines has also been given the Organization of Consumers and Users of Catalonia (OCUC).
Source: ACFA
About the author
It’s really scary when yo ustart to think of the reality that sometime in the near future, we might actually all be sold GMO foods, without even knowing about it…if it isn’t already happening! I support any action to label them, and push efforts for growing organic.