Bow spa: urban naturist and spiritual
Bow Spa is a Naturist Spa Spiritual that supplements Natural Beauty and massage, holistic therapies and Bioenergetics , in order to obtain and deliver results that address the causes of deviations functional (Mind-Spirit) rather than purely physical symptoms.
Center is based on the fundamentals of Natural Medicine and the revolution of the new spiritual knowledge of the existential Quantum Physics. We provide a service differentiator with the "tune" or "tuner" of the body, i.e. detoxification program, Rejuvenation and immune Revitalization that according to the objectives in each case, offer multidisciplinary meetings to achieve objectives.
"True Beauty and Health do not come from the outside, but it emanates from the inner order and harmony."
Programs to detoxify body and mind, to allow regeneration and functional with the health and vitality that flow and provide the true beauty.
Bow Spa is the first center in Santiago to work with natural herb therapy, purified and magnetized water, and providing therapies based on the Aesthetics and Holistic Medicine and Natural respecting the laws of nature.
All the inputs of therapies are recycled and converted into humus.
Spa Services
- Immune Revitalization Programs, Detoxification and Rejuvenation
- Holistic Medicine, Quantum bioresonance, Osteopathy
- Bioenergetics, Tachyon Energy, Magnet, and Reiki healing.
- Holistic therapies, Holistic Massage, Chiromassage, Reflexology, Massage Therapy, Thai, etc..
- Holistic Massage and Aesthetics, Relaxation, Modeling, Reduction, exfoliate, Thalassotherapy and Mud.
- Naturopathy Holistic (Body, mind and emotions), Natural Medicine and Spiritual Growth.
- Homeopathy and Iridology. Programs
- Body Reducers, Reaffirming, Anti-cellulite. Saunas and Steam
- Detox Foot Technology.
- Facial Treatments (Acne, rejuvenation, anti-stress, Natural Peeling, etc.).
- Bach Flowers
- Image Consulting (Natural eyebrows, lips and eyelids, as well as paramedical reconstructions of post-operative scarring, burns, etc. And Treatment of eyelashes and eyebrows)
- Offer Spa Services: Gift Certificates Custom Sessions or Circuit Center
- Soul Spa Services: Therapies and spiritual guide (Tarot, Astral Charter, Runas and Astrological Dice).
- Spa Services for Corporate events and conventions. Integration
- Group workshops and spiritual growth. Reintegration and Healing Walks in Nature.
Bow Spa believes in a better world, in health, work and personal life. So has recycling plants and own garden because it is understood that life has put our lives and the planet in danger and that only a change of consciousness to love and respect for nature can afford to return to live in grace and ease.
Get in fit
Programmatic cleaning and regeneration of your body. Methodology Bow Spa, Detoxification, Revitalization and immune-Rejuvenating
Spa circuits
In Summer Tours Spa & Gifts- to avoid stress, or rejuvenating.
Tachyon technology
Include in your massage, Bioenergetics Therapy with Tachyon.
In Bow Spa, working from a holistic concept encompassing, mind, body and spirit.
Intense treatment reducers
A good combination of Aesthetics and Nature: Recover your figure and health.
Staff professionals:
Paulina Vargas; Student of Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Engineer. Civil Industrial Universidad Católica de Chile, naturopath, therapist in Holistic Health and Beauty, beautician, International Micropigmentación Technician, Technician Mesoestética.
Works at the Center: Center Management and Programs, and Naturopathy Therapies, Facial Treatments and Advice Image, Reflexology. Bioenergetic and holistic therapies. Coordination of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment in Chile.
Fernando Ligueño; Usui Reiki Master, Holistic Therapist, Instructor in Chiromassage, Integral Aesthetics & Massage Therapy. Student Speech.
Job Center: Holistic Massage, Thai, Sports, and taozen kendo kanzu. Anti-stress therapies, treatment of pain and Bach Flowers. Rei-ki. Courses Thai Massage, Therapeutic and Rei-ki.
Nelson Jimenez Beriain; Alternative Medicine Medical Doctor (title of the European Community): Bioenergy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Acupuncture, electroacupuncture and Homotoxicology of Voll, among others. Member of the British Association of naturopaths and osteopaths, 25 years of experience in various pathologies, cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiplesclerosis, any kind of pain, obesity and immune revitalization among others.
Job Center: Holistic Medicine, bioresonance Quantum and Osteopathy.
Edgardo Lara Mendez , Medical Specialties, Specializing in Natural Medicine etheric Diploma in clairvoyance, naturopath.
Job Center: Neurofocal Medicine, Neural reconnection, Medical Manual etheric, clairvoyance.
Fabiola Pizarro; Integral beautician Beauty and Holistic Therapist.
Job Center: Facial Treatments, Body Holistic Esthetics, Massage, Self St.Tropez. "
Patricia Hernandez; Integral beautician Beauty and Holistic Therapist. Reiki, Reflexiologist, Therapist in various specialties.
Job Center: Facial Treatments, Holistic Beauty & Body, and Healing Therapies, Reiki and Massage.
Valeria Polanco; Integral esthetician, Administrative Secretary.
Job Center: Relaxation Massage, Therapeutic, etc. Aesthetic Body Treatments and reductive. Facial Treatments.
Pilar Romero, Student Integral Assistant Kindergarten.
Job Center: Relaxation Massage, Therapeutic, etc. Aesthetic Body Treatments and reductive. Facial Treatments.
Jesus Reyes; Tarot, Oracle, 35 years of experience.
Job Center: Tarot, White Magic, Ritual and Spiritual Guide.
Eduardo Labra; Researcher Symbols, Astrologer, Tarot, Dreams Interpreted, Runas and Professor of Mythology.
Job Center: Letters and Astral of Runas consultation, massage and Reiki healing.
Flora Marchant; Assistant Paramedic Job Center: Practitioner and beautician.
Bow Spa
La Tranquera 1250 , Vitacura, Santiago, Chile