Published: 10/22/2010 - Updated: 09/09/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Not all people react well to a blow, a bruise or a sprain, some are more sensitive than others and some people has more resistant body, where the consequences are not so acute, suffering also depends a lot on the body part of the damage and the intensity of this. But either way, people experience similar symptoms as the following:
- Pain in the accident area
- Inflammation
- Bruising (due to vessel rupture of capilars)
- Possible tears
- Possible damage to internal organs
Hematoma and Bruising
The hematoma or bruise is a discoloration of the skin due to rupture of blood vessels and the accumulation of blood that appears as a result of a bump or bruise (also known as a cardinal), which may begin showing in a tone yellow or green, which gradually becomes deep purple, reaching, in some cases, to nearly black. The size of the bruise usually indicates the size of the shock and bruising. If the bruise hurts when pressed, there may be injuries in internal organs or muscle, depending on the area of the hit, and if the pain is acute or severe, may be possible bony fractures.
There are subcutaneous and intramuscular hematomas, which are also developed in internal organs.
A bruise does not pose a health risk; it generally takes some time to disappear naturally, although sometimes it requires some home treatments to help the accumulated blood to fade and get rid of the violet color of the skin.
Remedies for bruises or bumps
Ice: one of the best remedies after the hit is to apply a soft tissue with ice immediately.
Compresses and poultices: crush 3 tablespoons of almond or calendula. Place in a bowl and then put over 2 cups of boiling water. Let the mixture stand for 20 minutes. Then warm again, until it’s perfect and and feels nice. Drain and dip a clean cloth in water and, once wet, apply over the bruise.
Sugar and lemon: this remedy is very good especially for children. Squeeze 2 lemons and toss with a tablespoon of sugar. Then apply over the bruise, rub gently over the skin and leave it there as long as you can.
Arnica: Arnica ointment and tea are excellent remedies for shock. You can get the ointment in health food stores or prepare yourself at home. Mix three tablespoons of crushed arnica flower with 2 cups of boiling water. Lhen, wet a cloth and apply over the bruise. Look, before wetting the cloth, pour a cup of tea and drink it hot.
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Garlic: raw garlic is great for circulation, will help to improve the bruise and that the blood quickly clean internally. You can take garlic either while fasting or in the evening, preferably with a glass of water as hot as you can.
Plaster of angelica leaves: prepare as the mixture of calendula leaves (see details above). However, here we just have to use a cup of water, then let rest the leaves in boiling water for 15 minutes, you have to grind. Then, form a paste and apply over the hit.
Parsley mixture: it is made with fresh parsley, finely ground and a little butter. Mix well and then apply on top of blow giving small massage over, but do not exert much pressure, especially if there is pain.
Raw apple and onion: apply apple slices or raw onion over the bruise.
Hamamelis Bark: Prepare an infusion with 25 g of leaves or bark of Hamamelis, in 2 cups boiling water for 20 minutes. Let cool, soak a gauze pad and apply frequently.
Nettle: boil three teaspoons of nettle in a quart of water for ten minutes. Soak a cotton cloth or gauze and apply to the hematoma 4 or 5 times a day.
Anise: You need to boil a cup of anise leaves in a cup of water for 10 minutes. Cover and let stand another 10. Soak gauze in water and frequently apply.
Recommendations for the care of shock
If it hurts a lot, you need to find out if you have not damaged a major organ such as liver, kidney, etc. If you cannot move the area where you have been hit and the pain is severe, chances are that a bone is damaged or broken. It is then necessary to turn to your doctor for the recommendations to follow in these cases.
We can avoid blows and the complications they can entail taking some measures, especially with children and youth.
- At home and school, there must be care at home by preventing children from going to stairs or dangerous places to play, saying what could happen to them, for example, when they climb trees or play on the stairs etc.
- Use proper equipment when you go to do a sport like playing football, etc., and don’t get exposed to activities that are not performed frequently and are at high risk, such as horseback riding, climbing, walking up the stones a river, etc.., unless accompanied by an instructor.
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