Published: 10/03/2006 - Updated: 11/27/2016
All measures used in a company are managed according to biodynamic integral principles to be evaluated. One is alive in all of real importance, not only to balance the material needs of the system but, as expressly stated Rudolf Steiner in his series of lectures on agriculture, to balance the depletion of the vital forces. It is of great importance conscious attention to detail in the production, stockpiling and use of preparations.
If possible, preparations should have been developed in the farm
Spiritual-scientific knowledge indicates that the minerals, plants and animals can metamorphose from the effects of cosmic-telluric influences throughout the year, in preparations impregnated forces. When they are applied to the soil, plants and fertilizers help to vitalize the land, encouraging the production and quality of plants, and health, vitality and production of farm animals. If possible, preparations should have been developed in the farm or in conjunction with other farms. Plants and animals wrappers for their manufacture have come from the farm or, if possible, otherwise run by biodynamic. The experience and knowledge to date on the basis of observation and experimentation have been applied in their construction and use. (This information is in two books: The development of the biodynamic preparations, Christian von Wistinghausen, Wolfgang Scheibe, Eckard von Wistinghausen Uli Johannes König, and Use of biodynamic preparations, the same authors Hartmut Heilmann (both published by Rudolf Steiner Publishing)
Preparations are most effective when used together
The full effect can only be expected when all preparations (for compost and spraying) have been applied to fertilizers and crop care throughout the year, with the methods (such as removal for one hour) and at appropriate times.
Preparations must be sprayed as appropriate to each type of crop: – The preparation of Bonig at the beginning of the vegetative phase or after the crop certificate, but in any case once a year. – The preparation of silica when it delivers the level of crop development, but at least once a year. – Preparations for spray must be applied with clean equipment.
Using preparations is a valuable aid in the transformation period of the biodynamic agriculture
All organic fertilizers (manure, compost, etc..) must be prepared to deal with the compost. We recommend spraying the prepared Bonig combined as a substitute in areas that receive no mulch treated with preparations for the year. For the certification of the farm as "in conversion to Demeter" after 12 months of practicing agriculture under these rules is a prerequisite for the application at least once preparations of Bonig and silica and distribution of mulch that has been prepared (or as a substitute preparation combined with Bonig, (made with preparations for the compost) on all surfaces of the farm. This is applied equally to all surfaces that will transform the biodynamic agriculture.
Source: Demeter
About the author
Wow, that is very good information, do you know where can I get this type of compost if for example if I live in the city, because I have many plants but never have read about this type of mixture. This is very rare and I hope to find it so please tell me if you can!
Biodynamic farming is so interesting, I just loved reading this article! It’s really sad that we haven’t really developed it around the world to the extent that it should be. We all support organic agriculture, although for some reason, we don’t consider biodynamic farming as an alternative.