Published: 09/06/2008 - Updated: 06/24/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Riding is probably the only way to feel like moving on land without using the legs, and let go by the trot of a horse, with its very peculiar movements, sparked a long time interest a treatment modality bio – psycho – social, which harnesses the natural movement of the horse to stimulate, in these areas, patients within a multidisciplinary approach.
This type of treatment involve professionals in the areas of health, psychology, education and horseback, looking for an alternative to combining the development of disabled and / or special needs such as autism, in order to achieve thanks to the link with the horse, improvements in both physical and cognitive levels of communication, relationship and personality.
What is equinotherapy?
It is an alternative to the physical and psychological rehab where, through a specialized practice, you ride on horseback with the aim of restoring physical, mental and social factors in people who have different disabilities and ailments. The enjoyment of this activity, coupled with the experience of therapists and educators, give amazing results in improvements in learning and the individual.
Advantages of equinotherapy
The main benefits are obtained by bringing the horse passes through your spine and its movements, where the patient benefits from:
- Heat body. (38 °), which is transmitted to the legs and pelvic belt.
- Rhythmic pulse (90 to 110 min.) Momentum is transmitted to the belt passes through the pelvis and spine to the patient's head .
- Transmission of a standard equivalent to the locomotion pattern of physiological human progress.
A series of three-dimensional oscillations such as forward and reverse, increase, decrease, displacement occurring in the brain and neural connections are automated over time, get the patient in a little (depending on each case) higher degree of autonomy.
This therapy is also known by the name of hippotherapy, and is nothing new as you may think because of the interest currently aroused in this alternative. Since years 458-377 BC, in ancient Greece, it was used by the great doctor of the time, Hippocrates , which mentions in his book "Diets": "The pace of walking a horse is healthy … " and recommending to their patients, including handsets, giving small daily horseback riding. Hippocrates was convinced that not only could improve their physical health but also their emotional and mental state, and advised riding to "restore and preserve the health of many human ailments, particularly in the treatment of insomnia. " In addition, stated that "riding practiced outdoors causes the muscles to improve their tone."
Likewise, the Italian Jerome Mercurialis (1530-1606), published in Latin his artwork "Gymnastics" (The art of gymnastics), the observation that he had was "The riding is not only exercises the body, but the senses." And we cannot forget to mention, among many other physicians and thinkers who could claim the benefits of therapeutic riding, features great German Goethe (1749-1832), who rode daily until his 55 years of life, recognizing the value of the oscillations of healthy body, following the movements of the animal charity the relaxation of the spine, as determined by the position of the rider on the saddle and encouragement delicate yet consistently made to the bloodstream.
Who can benefit from this therapy and how it is done?
Equinotherapy: applies to people with sensory dysfunction, and psychomotor problems.
MORE IN BIOMANANTIALPhytomedicine: Past and Present
Hippotherapy: This is used for people with sensory and neural dysfunction.
These alternatives are divided into several techniques used as appropriate and the needs as described below:
Passive hippotherapy: The student-patient fits with clamps and passively adapts to the movement of the horse without any action on his part. This technique may be necessary to apply the twin mounts
Twin Run: Technique where the therapist sits behind the patient to provide support and align during mating. He guides the horse and only works in step.
Active Hippotherapy: Riding bareback with staples, the sessions are taught individually and last about 30 minutes. Neuromuscular exercises are done to stimulate greater normalization of muscle tone, balance, coordination, psychomotor and body symmetry. The patient is not yet able to drive only horse on the track, you must guide a therapist and an assistant using step and trot.
The equinotherapy: In this technique the target binds to teaching therapeutic riding as a sport. In addition to the neuromuscular and gymnastics games in combination with therapy, the patient learns to use the saddle and stirrups to become an active horseman. Here the patient can only drive his horse on the track.
This technique works in the horse step, trot and canter. The therapy sessions may be conducted in a group and last approximately 45 minutes.
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