Published: 09/27/2005 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes3 Comments
Let's talk about what is baldness, what causes hair loss and what are the different types of baldness that exist.
What is baldness?
The baldness, also known as alopecia, is the loss or absence of hair. Baldness is more noticeable on the scalp, but can occur anywhere in the body where hair grows. This condition is more common in men than in women.
What causes hair loss?
It is believed that hair loss is caused mainly by the following reasons:
- Aging
- Hormonal changes
- Diseases
- Family history of baldness
- Burns
- Trauma
However, hair loss is not caused by the following:
- Poor circulation in the scalp
- Vitamin deficiencies
- Dandruff
- Excessive Use of hats
- A gene from the maternal grandfather of the person affected by the baldness
Generally, the earlier hair begins loss, the more severe the baldness will be.
What are the different types of baldness?
The baldness can be classified into several types, depending on the cause that leads. The types of hair loss include:
Pattern Female Baldness:
While less common than male pattern baldness, this type of baldness usually causes the loss of hair on the forehead, on the sides and or crown. Female pattern baldness rarely results in total loss of hair.
Male Pattern Baldness:
Male pattern baldness is usually a hereditary condition. It can start at any age. The hair loss usually begins at the front, sides or crown of the head. Some men have a localized baldness or a receding line of hair growth, while others may be completely bald.
This disorder is characterized by the sudden loss of hair in a certain area, the hair grows back after several months. However, if you lose all your body hair suddenly, it may not re-grow. The cause of this type of baldness is unknown.
Toxic Alopecia:
It can occur after an episode of high fever or serious illness. Certain medications, especially thallium, high doses of vitamin A and retinoids can cause toxic alopecia. Medical conditions such as thyroid disease, or postpartum may also trigger toxic alopecia. This condition is characterized by the temporary loss of hair. Also, some medicines for cancer can cause hair loss.
Alopecia for scars:
It may occur in areas where there was a healing process that does not grow hair. The scars may be caused by burns, wounds, or X-ray therapy and other diseases such as lupus, bacterial skin infections or fungal, lichen planus, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis or cancer also cause other types of scars that can cause hair loss.
Trichotillomania (hair pulling):
The habit started in the hair, very common among children, can cause baldness.
Source: University of Virginia
About the author
I am losing my hair but I a little bit old now and this is normal, I cannot just think this is the worst that happened to me because it is normal if you get old and your hair falls, but maybe that would be one of the biggest advantages being a woman since almost none of them become bald
short and very explicit, i like the articles like this one that should speak the reason of the problem and the solution for once!
My grandma is nearly completely bald and my mother is headed down the same path. I’m only 28, but I’m already starting to see my hair thin. Is there anything I can do to thicken my hair naturally? Thanks so much for the wonderful article, it was very precise and informative.