Ayurveda Medical Center Padmasana

Published: 01/14/2008 - Updated: 08/13/2019

The word Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit ayuh (life) and veda (true knowledge), i.e. the "science of life”. Ayurveda is the traditional natural medicine of India and probably the oldest in the world. It originated in the Vedic era, more than 5000 years. At the international level, was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1978 as a preventive and curative medicine with proven effectiveness.

It is based on understanding the different needs of different types of bodies according to the theory of 5 elements and 3 doshas (vata, pitta and Kapha) and the knowledge of the Marma, the subtle energy that respond to gentle physical manipulation.

Ayurveda tells us that any disease affecting both the body and mind and that both sides have never been treated separately, because everything that affects the mind has on the body and therefore vice versa, and both have impact on our environment, daily habits and relationships with other beings.

It treats any disease from anxiety and various psychological disorders, from arthritis, sciatica, digestive disorder, spine problems, diabetes, Parkinson's, and several types of cancer.

How it acts?

After a thorough review called "Akruti Pariksa" including pulse reading, the Vaidya treatment provides a specific and individual "Skits" which might consist of some or all of the following requirements: Patterns of food, medication, herbal / mineral ( yoga, meditation, relaxation), massage therapy (unique in the world) and techniques of detoxification and purification of the body as "Panchakarma".

What is Padmasana Center?

Padmasana is an Ayurvedic center for the holistic health and welfare of the citizens of Madrid, recognized and supported by D. Ramiro Calle Chapel.

Padmasana is based primarily on 2 pillars inextricably linked, and Ayurveda Yoga (with special emphasis on the first) to prevent, improve and solve any type of disorder, with particular emphasis on the origin of psychosomatic and achieve a lasting state of physical, mental and emotional.

It is headed by Violeta Arribas, individually and by the prestigious Yogotherapeutist Specialist, Writer and East Chapel Ramiro Calle (Godfather of the Center), formed in Rishikesh (India) in different forms of Yoga, (Nidra, Hatha, Mantra) and Ayurveda therapies.

Addition to its Director, in charge of the area of Psycho-yoga and yoga, the team are: the ayurvedic therapists, Adriana Fernanda formed in India (Pune and Kerala respectively), Vaidya (Ayurvedic Dr.) Bharat Negi, (later found references Dr. Bharat), the specialist in Indian Vastu Sastra Joytish and Vishal Krishna Sharma, D. Clinical Psychologist Tasia Rivallo and administrative support people and others therapists different branches of health.

Padmasana Facilities

The 300 square meters center located in C / Sea of Oman, 34 in Madrid, are fully ionized by the impact of negative ions (the same as breathing in Nature) on our central nervous system, calming and alignment. Is achieved using ionized, salt lamps, plants and fountains.

It has a small Zen garden, 3 cabins for ayurvedic therapies, ayurvedic products a shop, a yoga room, offices and changing rooms and a kitchen where you prepare the oils, emulsions, herbal preparations for treatment, as well as food for vegetarians.

For extent and variety of different massage therapies and Ayurveda, to mention just a brief sample of them inside and outside the Panchakarma treatment.

About the author
  • Miriam Reyes

    Miriam Reyes is a professional expert in nutrition and dietetics. She has more than 12 years of experience in caring for patients with overweight and eating problems. She studied at the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA), where she obtained a degree in nutrition. Linkedin profile.