Apple to cure stomach (ulcers, pain, heartburn, gastritis, etc.)

Published: 12/03/2012 - Updated: 06/10/2016

The apple is a good fruit for our health. They say that if you want to keep the doctor away, you should eat an apple a day, at least. This fruit, with sweet taste and crunchy flesh, has great health benefits but, above all, it’s good to heal and maintain healthy our stomach.

Properties of apple in the stomach

It contains a substance called sorbitol that helps almost all bowel problems.

Antidiarrheal: helps fight diarrhea.

Soft laxative: Although it seems contradictory with its antidiarrheal properties, its high pectin content makes it an excellent bowel apparatus regulator, so that stops diarrhea naturally and helps mobilize sluggish bowels if required by the stomach.

High content in fiber and pectin makes it an ideal remedy for colitis, gastroenteritis and more.

Diuretic and depurative: helps promote the elimination of body fluids which helps the toxic flow from the stomach and intestines, in addition to helping debug them.

High in fiber, which removes toxins, fat and poisonous waste in the stomach and intestine.

Antacid properties: it has pectin content in combination with glycine, that makes it an effective natural antacid, appropriate to combat heartburn, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals antacids for the stomach. For this, just simply eat an apple well washed or peeled when you feel the symptoms of heartburn.

Rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc., which nourish the stomach and tissues.

Sedative: apple is high in phosphorus which takes the stress out the stomach and nervous system, causing an assimilation of nutrients and a better elimination of toxins.

Digestive: one of the best remedies for the stomach to have a good digestion is to eat an apple twenty minutes after eating or an hour later.

Anti-inflammatory effects: so it would reduce the inflammation in the stomach and combat gastritis, and colitis.

Relieves indigestion, when you eat a raw apple.

The apple infusion relaxes the stomach, calms heartburn, inflammation of stomach, cures gastritis, colitis and diverticulitis, cleans and purifies the stomach in case of infection (may cause vomiting as a form of cleansing. For this, drink three cups of tea apple per day).

Apple infusion to cure gastritis, colitis, bloating, etc.

You need:

  • A raw apple, peeled and cut into small pieces
  • Juice of one lemon
  • A tablespoon of Chamomile Flower

Boil all the ingredients in two cups of water for 10 minutes and then turn off the heat and mash well the apple. Let stand a few minutes and strain. Drink a liter of this water a day. If you want to cure gastritis, you should remove from your diet all junk or processed food.

Apple sweet to cure stomach

You need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • Four large apples peeled and cut like crescent moon.
  • Prunes
  • Brown sugar
  • Two lemons
  • An orange

Boil everything and sweeten. This candy is excellent in cases of constipation, stomach pain, swollen belly, vomiting, etc.

The apple diet to cure stomach

If you want to cure your stomach, we suggest doing a diet of apples for two consecutive days. During these days you can only eat apples, starting the day with olive oil extra virgin fasting and then eat apples. Drink two liters of pure water metered. It would be advisable that you during these days you can give yourself a break because one of the most common causes of stomach problems is stress, anxiety and nerves.

Note: if you do this diet, it is important to consider that may come what is called healing crisisA healing crisis occurs when it appears that things are getting worse! While doing the diet, you can have symptoms such as feeling sick, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, etc. This is normal, it means the body along with the healing properties of the apple, is cleaning and healing your stomach. If this happens, do not panic. Allow the body to cleanse and try to keep your diet. If symptoms are severe, suspend the diet and take rice with vegetable broth. Restart the apple diet in a month.

About the author
  • K. Laura Garcés G

    Writer, therapist and lecturer. She is a lover of natural medicine and the power of mind and emotions in body and life. In addition, he has studied nutrition and develops appropriate diets to support this healing process.She has written more than 1500 articles in magazines in Spain and Mexico, winner of two literature contests. Linkedin.