Anxiety (neurosis): diet and tips to naturally treat it
It is mainly related to poor eating habits, as when you stay many hours without eating food. When this happens, the crisis is in its early stage, but as it progresses you may experience increased anxiety. At this point you may feel over-worry about something that is going to happen and no one knows for sure what it is, you have catastrophic thoughts, a bad feeling, perhaps fear to the death. You can come to feel depressed or sad feelings.
Physical symptoms
All the above can cause severe distress, the heart beat faster and the whole body is in a state of constant tension, which can cause pain in chest, arms, shoulders, legs, etc., due to excessive wear and pressure on the muscles. There may also be people who clench their jaw or stress a body part without noticing it. There may be excessive sweating and dizziness occasionally.
Do you know why this happens?
Mainly, as mentioned, is due to poor eating habits and bad sleep. It is also related to problems at work or family, with partners, friends and even neighbors. The economic crisis also may trigger an anxiety attack just like confronting new and unfamiliar experiences in life that cannot be avoided, as new changes and adjustments in our lifestyle. These situations detonate the insecurities and limited ways of translating the different experiences of life.
Fortunately, an anxiety attack can be countered naturally by following these recommendations:
Dietary habits
The main thing is that you get used to eat at the same hour, and do not neglect the quality of your food, avoiding stimulants such as white sugar, (and derivatives such as sodas, chocolates, etc.) coffee, vinegar, etc. Increase fresh vegetables, eat almonds, walnuts, fish and olive oil with lemon juice fasting, all this helps to nourish your nervous system. Before bed, eat a fresh apple, lettuce, orange or passion flower. It is very important to drink pure water, two liters per day are sufficient. All these help to relax.
If you are not hungry
If you are not hungry, we mustn’t avoid the hour to eat as this aggravates the problem. The best thing is to take a fresh vegetable juice combining with vegetable soup or rice, even though you don’t want to it, it will help your body to recover soon and balance the nervous system. Lack of appetite is often because you have saved feelings of sadness and depression and may be causes of anxiety. But do not doubt that with good food you will be helping to overcome depression.
Talk about what bothers you
Another thing you should do to overcome anxiety attack is to leave your anxious thoughts, because if you try to control them, these simply will be making "noise" constantly. It is necessary to take into account that anxiety is, at bottom, a fear caused by uncertainty. Distrust in life, in others, but above all in oneself, brings us to feel immersed in a world of control, and full of uncertainty.
It is therefore important to start working with yourself in what you feel, because many times we spend our lives avoiding what we feel and do not give ourselves time to observe what is really hurting us.
Work with your personal safety
There are many ways to begin to trust in yourself, which will help you to trust others and even in life itself. One of the main forms is to try to understand that there are no "bad" things in life, because this will make us try desperately to flee when you feel them close, and will cause anxiety and distress. You shouldn’t also think that some things are "good" because this will make you dependent on them.
Thinking that something is "bad" or "good" is to limit the learning that comes wrapped in each experiment. When you feel that something bad is about to happen, or you are experiencing problems or needs, you help yourself through a new understanding in your way of seeing life. Understanding means you open your vision into something you cannot really see. We focus so closely on the problems, pains and shortcomings, but we forget that underneath all there is the smart nature which moves things.
The fear warns that we feel isolated of this divine force within us which moves all things in silence. When one thinks that the power is "out there", we feel small and intimidated by what happens because we cannot do anything, then there will be fear and resistance. If we learn to recognize the strength and power to influence life, then we could begin to develop our personal power, starting to recognize our creative capacity and educating our thinking, because with it we create and influence our experiences and situations.
An exercise to combat anxiety and distress is to learn to meditate. The main thing is to learn to relax by thinking you can trust yourself and you expand your understanding. Remember that meditation can be done in any place; you can do it when you go to work, when waiting in line for the bus, etc.