Published: 05/24/2011 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
The best remedy to treat anemia is through quality food. Anemia is characterized by a decrease of red blood cells (hemoglobin) in blood, and which generates a series of symptoms such as fatigue, decreased sexual appetite, excessive fatigue after intense exercise, low blood pressure, swollen ankles, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, depression, skin problems, pale face, brittle nails, clammy skin, etc.
A major cause of anemia is iron and folic acid deficiency, so below is a selection of foods and recipes that will help you regain your health.
Foods rich in iron and folic acid: lentils, beans (especially black), whole grains, red meat, egg yolk, green vegetables like spinach, chard, broccoli, artichokes, lettuce, celery, alfalfa, etc. as well as walnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc.
Important Note: If you are anemic, avoid taking herbal infusions or tea after eating or during meals, as tea inhibit iron absorption. It is best to drink the tea after dinner.
Anti-anemia powerful Juice
- 1 cup of orange juice
- 2 almonds
- 1 slice of mango or papaya
- 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 fresh egg yolk
- Blend everything and sip slowly, without strain.
- 25 oz. of ground almonds
- 4 large egg whites
- 150 grams of butter at room temperature
- Pinch of salt
- 125 grams of wheat flour
- 50 grams of rice flour
- Zest of 1 large lemon
- 150 grams of brown sugar
- 75 oz. of almonds, lightly toasted and chopped
- Put the butter and sugar in a bowl and beat.
- Sift over the flour, ground almonds and salt.
- Add almond pieces left in the sieve. Add the ground almonds and lemon zest.
- In another bowl, you have to assemble the egg whites, add the almond paste, stirring well.
- Grab small pieces of dough with a spoon and put them in well oiled baking tray.
- Bake cookies in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool and serve.
Anti-anemia broth
- 15 grams of noodles
- 20 grams of brown rice
- 10 grams of white beans
- 15 grams of potatoes
- 17 grams of turnips
- 17 grams of carrots
- 35 grams of tomato
- Extra virgin olive oil
- A bit of onion
- 1 fresh garlic clove
- Vegetable broth
- Salt and pepper
- In the oil, fry the noodles, remove. With the remaining oil, fry the rice, when it browns add the potatoes, carrots and turnips, add roasted tomatoes, minced with onion and garlic.
- Put the dry fried noodles, broth, cooked white beans, salt and pepper; simmer over low heat until very tender.
Brown rice with salmon
- 200 grams of rice
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- 2 fresh salmon fillets, sliced thinly
- 100 grams of soy sprouts
- ¾ liters of water
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
- Soak rice for 1 hour in cold water. In a low braise casserole, cook bean sprouts with onion and finely chopped carrot over low heat.
- Wash off the rice, drain and add to skillet, stirring often to toast the rice without sticking vegetables.
- Add the water to brown rice with soy letting it boil for five minutes.
- Put the heat to low, add the teaspoon of soy sauce over without stirring until the rice and soybeans have absorbed all the water and is tender (about 25 minutes).
- Cut the salmon into small thin pieces and add lemon and soy.
- Serve rice decorated with slices of salmon.
Lentil Croquettes
- 250 grams of boiled lentils
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
- 1 tablespoon of oregano
- 2 eggs
- Two tablespoons of oat bran granulated
- Bread crumbs
- Oil, salt and pepper
- Place lentils in a bowl and then mash with a fork to mix with the garlic, parsley and oregano, season lightly.
- Add the breadcrumbs needed to achieve a consistent dough that we can mold.
- Form lentil patties with the help of two spoons or your hands.
- Beat the eggs into a bowl and place breadcrumbs in another dish.
- Pass lentil croquettes through the beaten egg and then in the breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil reserving them on absorbent paper and serve with a mixed salad.
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