Published: 03/31/2006 - Updated: 08/09/2019
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
"Plants have always been my faithful and formidable therapeutic companions, they never left me. I am deeply convinced that the nature reserve us everything we need for the protection and maintenance of our health."
A life in the service of mankind and of nature
Alfred Vogel has devoted his life to studying the "pharmacy" of nature to follow the path of men towards health and assist them in their illness. It all began with the collection and application of ancient knowledge about the therapeutic power of indigenous plants. The study of several works of folk medicine, his own experiences and observations on his patients led him to discover an essential element, in most cases the efficiency of the fresh plant was higher than that of the dry plant. On this basis, developed methods of manufacture and storage for medicines prepared from fresh plants.
A. Vogel strove to make the human being a spiritual and physical unit, taking into account their conditions of life and acting globally on the causes of the disease. His reputation as phytotherapist and naturopath brought him invitations to give lectures around the world, and Alfred Vogel, always hungry for knowledge, took his trips to North America and South America, Asia and Australia in addition to his knowledge, learning the healing traditions of the tribes living in harmony with nature.
This is how he integrated into the range of its products not only Purple Echinacea, an immunostimulant plant that became an emblem of the brand A. Vogel, also tried many other medicinal plants for the welfare of their patients.
When the enthusiasm and perseverance lead to success
At the beginning of the thirties virtually, there was not any fresh herbal medicine in the market. After moving from Appenzell Basel, Alfred Vogel started to manufacture the same drug in small quantities. The demand was such that at an age when other people think of a well-deserved retirement, he decided to create his own production in Roggwil in the canton of Thurgau. Today Bioforce AG is among the largest producers of natural medicines in many European countries, Canada, USA and Australia.
Journalism took relevance in the activities of Alfred Vogel. Since 1929, its monthly magazine "Gesundheits-Nachrichten" appears first as the "Dasneue Leben." He regularly published his findings and advice, especially his works as his handbook of natural medicine "Little Doctor" translated into twelve languages and sold two million copies.
Knowledge and research of Alfred Vogel have been largely confirmed by science. Nothing better to strengthen the courage and determination of its staff, to meet the high quality demands of Dr. Alfred Vogel, doctor “honoris causa” in medical botany from the University of Los Angeles.
Researcher and naturopath
"I was part of the largest naturopath, like Sebastian Kneipp and Samuel Hahnemann"
Dr. M.M. Verheyen, Center for Preventive diagnosis of naturopathy and homeopathy Maastricht.
Researcher until the end of the world
Alfred Vogel, born in 1902, grew up in Aesch near Basel. Since his childhood began in medicinal plants and their healing powers by his father and grandparents. He collected during his life and enriched the heritage of experimental evidence-based medicine from Europe which was a precursor of worldwide and which is still regarded as a pioneer.
His thirst for knowledge led him to numerous countries across all continents. He was attracted by primitive peoples and their way of life that allowed him to study the relationship between lifestyle, constitution and disease, a subject that fascinated him. His experiences among the peoples of the steppes and the jungle made him understand that the nature, targeted and sustained, has more resources than the alleged capabilities of men.
Dietitian, naturopath
With 18 years, Alfred Vogel ran an herbal shop in Basel. Council to customers crystallized his vocation for natural medicine. He quit in 1932 to settle in as a naturopath in Teufen (Appenzell).
Parallel to his naturopathy consultation, he manufactured his own medicines to help and take care of the patients. For this purpose, medicinal plants collected from the rocky alpine regions served for his first plant extracts. He noted that the latter were more effective than the dry dyes from plants. Increasing demand led to Alfred Vogel who founded Bioforce signature in 1963, which produces and distributes products globally which A. Vogel made according to their formulas.
"Nature is a great healer. All that the man should do this to effectively sustain the natural processes with appropriate measures."
With 23 years, Alfred Vogel wrote his first book titled "Wegweiser für die Lebensreform Kleiman”.
Indefatigable fan of nature, since 1929 began to explain his experiences of natural medicine and researcher in dietary and medicinal plants in the monthly magazine "Das Leben neu", which later became "Gesundheits-Natchrichten" (Health News) published today in several countries. The journal of natural medicine is published in 70,000 copies in German and is part of the reference publications in the field.
Dozen languages and two million copies sold
Among the works of Alfred Vogel, we have enjoyed some major spin. The book "Die Nahrung als Heilfaktor" appeared in 1935, has been republished in facsimile in 1992. In 1952 appeared the work of Alfred Vogel, world famous: "The little doctor." This natural medicine bestseller, translated a dozen languages to date and sold nearly two million copies, is part of the reference works recognized and confirmed the popular and natural medicine. Followed by "Die Leber als Regulator der Gesundheit" (first edition in 1963 under the title "Die Leber reguliert die Gesundheit" after "Die natur Biologischer Wegweiser”). The latter, now exhausted, presents environmental problems and made sketches of solutions. This is considered by many as a continuation of the "Little Doctor." Alfred Vogel collected the experiences of travelers from the tropics in his book "Gersundheitsfürer durcsüdliche Hillsides". With over 80 years Alfred Vogel was able to give a new perspective to a subject that is very concerned in “Krebs-oder Schicksal Zivilisationskranskheit. "
A. Vogel editions are published by S.A. Teufen distributing the work of Alfred Vogel and publishing "Gesundheits-Nachrichten."
[1937-1956] – Naturopath in Teufen. Search activities, development and manufacture of the first natural medicinal herbal fresh.
[1950] – First study tours around the world.
[1952] – First appearance of the reference work "The little doctor" which has been translated into 12 languages. Published to date more than two million copies.
[1958-1959] – Extent of his travels through South America, Central and North.
[1963] – Bioforce AG Foundation, the first Swiss company of natural medicines.
[1969] – The study of primitive peoples of Africa.
[1979] – Study tours through Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.
[1982] – Medal of the Deutsche Priessnitz Heilpraktikergesellschaft.
[1984] – Member of the honor SAGEM (Schweiz Arztegesellschaft für Erfahrungsmedizin).
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