Published: 04/19/2006 - Updated: 09/15/2018
Ahimsa, is a center designed to facilitate the work of all those who are not related or education, are aware of their role as parents, educators and citizens in the difficult but urgent task of EDUCATION FOR PEACE. It is a non-profit organization exclusively of volunteers, which is funded from contributions from its partners and revenues that may be derived from services.
A partnership to facilitate things
Ahimsa aims to provide support, information and materials for the work of all persons and groups who request them.
Our activities aim to:
- Gathering information and providing advice to educators, working groups and anyone who requests it.
- Developing outreach materials such as videos, slides, files, newsletters, etc.
- Disseminating activities, publications and materials produced by other groups and entities.
- Organizing and supporting public awareness campaigns.
To work for a culture of peace
Ahimsa wants to collaborate in the dissemination of values that are the basis for a Culture of Peace as a way to Education for Peace, and is engaged in the fight against violence, injustice, marginalization and exploitation.
Our centers of interest and areas of work:
Human rights: Learner support and respect for human rights in the world, child rights, women's rights, protection and support to ethnic minorities, migrants and marginalized groups. Supporting campaigns by Amnesty International, Human Rights, SOS Racism, Group Welcomes, etc. We publish annually one or two educational newsletters on these topics.
Ecology: Participating in environmental education, awareness campaigns and support environmental education, other groups and collectives. Maintaining coordination and support of other environmental groups as well as the Axarquia. We publish an annual bulletin on environmental education.
Disarmament: We keep in touch with anti-guns groups. We support the rebelliousness in all its nonviolent forms and spreading military expenditures each fiscal year. We maintain direct contact with the MOC in Malaga, to support all its activities. We publish one or two newsletters per year related to these topics.
Coeducation: We support the struggle of women against the marginalization of gender. We try to educate for equal treatment, rights and opportunities for female and male values that promote removal of discriminatory differences in language, culture, and relations between women and men. In the month of March, we release a bulletin concerning this issue.
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Development and Cooperation with the Impoverished World: It occupies much of our educational activity. It is necessary to share our prosperity. It is necessary to educate our wealth, which originates in the poverty of three-quarters of humanity, is better used and shared. It is necessary for our society to change its way of life, changing values that govern the overall level, such as the profitability, competitiveness and consumer, with more consistent with the human condition. Work funded development projects in the impoverished world. There is a bazaar where Solidarity through fostering the development of the impoverished world, and consumption more environmentally friendly. We publish several newsletters throughout the year related to these topics.
Nonviolence: As a way of life and political action following a Ghandian line shaping the philosophy and practice of our association. Also throughout the year in a newsletter we try to deepen some aspect of nonviolence.
Education for Peace: As a way to convey our concerns and values that guide us in our daily to do, leads us to maintain our center, participate in and provide, lectures, symposia, seminars, workshops, etc.. Facilitate the development of other groups and organizations, and disseminate such works produced by other institutions or groups.
Ahimsa resources
Free loan material. We are currently with 2000 video documentary, 120 films as well as numerous radio programs on audio cassettes. We also have a library with about 3,000 copies and a press archive with more than 6,000 articles classified and sorted into 34 related groups.
Our bibliographic and audiovisual consists primarily of the following topics:
- Education for Peace Ecology
- Nonviolence
- Coeducation
- Antimilitarism
- Disarmament and Development
- Cooperation and the World's Impoverishment
Ahimsa, also has a periodical (annual) service of the indices that make up our library, archives and audiovisual media.
We have four exhibitions: Closer south, Interdependence and Solidarity South-North, Africa: the forgotten continent, and Other peoples, Other cultures.
We offer our infrastructure to distribute and disseminate outreach materials developed by other entities and groups.
We keep in touch with people ready to participate in lectures, symposia, etc.. As well as groups, publications, campaigns in the country and internationally.
Our hours are from 5:30 to 8 on weekdays.
Day of the meeting: Thursday 7.30 to 9.30
Our theoretical thought as association, more or less, is within what we would call Gandhian nonviolence. So for Ahimsa, it is the Education for Peace in its broadest sense. We understand that society as unfair and unbalanced in which we move, change is possible only if we, those who have everything, are ready for it, developing active nonviolence in its two areas: as a way of life and as a strategy struggle. To make this possible, we understand that it is first necessary to educate for a Culture of Peace, and later develop into larger programs of Education for Peace.
Given the above, development projects, it is most important for Ahimsa, we understand that projects are "bread for today and hunger for tomorrow." Similarly, we believe that projects do not seek the elimination of the causes of injustice, but they are aimed at eliminating the effects of injustice, so that the causes remain indefinitely, while thinking we are reassured that we do something when are we (society) is that we have in our hands the elimination of the causes of injustice.
What works is Ahimsa doing and under what criteria?
It may seem that there is a certain contradiction between theory and practice of Ahimsa and carried in the projects we are a long time, however, although not required for projects, the main focus of our action at some point may appear as the main activity, or perhaps only because we are also necessary, particularly because we never lose touch and sensitivity necessary to be a in dealing with the impoverished, but also in the way to eliminate inequalities. For this reason, we only project where we can directly manage, or have direct contact with recipients. It is not our interest to fund projects where there just to send money without knowing anything more, even knowing that it is well spent.
Source: Ahimsa
C /: Arroyo Hondo, No 34 A. Velez-Malaga 29700
About the author
Those groups are the ones that need more help and not money but people wanting to learn about the importance of dealing with poverty and other social problems that affect not only those people but all the human and even animal and plants, we just need to be more concerned and stop thinking in vanity