Published: 04/14/2011 - Updated: 11/17/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Acupuncture is an ancient health technique that has been applied not only to help treat physical ailments, but also to balance emotional states like anxiety, sadness, depression and fear.
It’s not new to know that when emotions are unbalanced in the body and are poorly understood, often cause adverse health effects, as the vital energy of the person is out of kilter and is diminished and impeded when emotional states are either blocked or obstructed.
Stress, anxiety, guilt, anger, fear and depression
All these emotions can be considered as states of the mind that are generated by a heavy accumulation of stress, which happens in the body when there is little control and little understanding of things that cause us pain, frustration, confusion, etc.
The human faces emotions daily, which often do not go to a conscious state, which means that the person doesn’t have the time or the opportunity to see what causes pain or distress.
Thus, the body keeps anger, resentment, pain, sadness and others that eventually accumulate in the body, mainly in the neck, stomach, spine, etc., and the person begins to create all sorts of imbalances, starting with a very sensitive and angry nature, intolerant or very fearful, perhaps messy or confusing, which shows that emotions are not balanced or are not being understood. If this misunderstanding remains in the person, you begin to generate what is known as energy blocks, which are responsible for virtually all diseases.
A constantly tense or stressed person maintains high pressure in the body, the stomach contracts and generates extra bile, the muscles are depleted and blood flows thick and slow, nutrients are not absorbed properly, and in general, the body's defenses considerably lower, plus there's little irrigation of oxygen, blocking the movement of our internal organs and systems.
Insomnia, headache, flu or colds, infections, etc.., may be small calls of attention from the body when it is stressed. If we do not address these calls or just soothe or numb with drugs, then the body’s energy would be severely weakened, resulting in stronger conditions such as allergies, sclerosis, contractures, cardiovascular problems, liver and kidney problems, etc.
Emotions and acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the alternatives of natural medicine which can certainly help to restore the lost balance in the body.
Currently, there are people who are healing various diseases with only a few sessions of acupuncture to treat emotions.
How is emotional acupuncture performed?
It is very similar to acupuncture that we know, but instead of needles, fingers are used to pressure or tap on certain points or body parts that help to stabilize the emotions.
For this, the medical acupuncturist focuses on each of the points according to the emotional picture of the patient. In our human body, there are approximately 750 points that can be used to correct various imbalances.
Among the emotions that acupuncture treats are: the rage, depression, sadness, guilt, anxiety, fear, obsession, panic and euphoria. The medical acupuncturist usually conducts an interview through which recognizes or detects the emotions that affect the body and health, and then proceeds to locate points and proper stimulation.
The patient may experience very beneficial changes since the first sessions, not only in the emotions but in the general health status.
Many people have been cured of various diseases with this technique since, as acupuncture, each emotion is related to an organ and specific body part.
For example:
- The heart is related to uncontrolled or overflowing sentimentality or an overflowing joy, which can create an unbalanced mind.
- The lung is related to the sadness which creates imbalances in the diaphragm and / or shoulder girdle.
- The spleen is associated with obsession states, and can cause mental fatigue.
- The liver is strongly influenced by the states of anger, and can cause menstrual disorders in women.
- The gallbladder is connected to states of permanent or prolonged indecision, which also can affect the neck and sides of the body.
- The kidneys is related to a lot of tension and fear, which is also reflected in the lower back or knees.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
What is EFT?
This technique helps release pent-up emotions of our bodies by means of acupuncture.
If you want to practice this technique to cure ailments, seek a professional acupuncturist, you'll see that the results are truly beneficial and very promising. People with multiple sclerosis, or spinal and neck problems, allergies, rheumatic pains, etc. have healed and regained their vital energy with this technique.
- Lynch, E. (2007). Emotional acupuncture. Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 21(50), 24–25.
- Mitchell, M. (2009). Emotional freedom technique (1). The Practising Midwife, 12(7), 12–14.
- Mitchell, M. (2009). Emotional freedom technique (2). The Practising Midwife, 12(8), 30–32.
- Rancour, P. (2017). The Emotional Freedom Technique: Finally, a Unifying Theory for the Practice of Holistic Nursing, or Too Good to Be True? Journal of Holistic Nursing : Official Journal of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association, 35(4), 382–388.
- Kalla, M., Simmons, M., Robinson, A., & Stapleton, P. (2018). Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) as a practice for supporting chronic disease healthcare: a practitioners’ perspective. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(14), 1654–1662.
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