Published: 07/11/2006 - Updated: 04/20/2019
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
Action Network of Alternative Agriculture is a movement that brings together institutions and individuals in agriculture throughout Peru, whose perspective is the development of sustainable agriculture and environmental preservation. We are part of international networks such as PAN and RAP-AL International.
Our Vision
The RAAA is a social institution with broad-based, democratic and decentralized political influences to develop sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation in Peru.
Our Mission
We are a decentralized national network that brings together organizations and individuals dedicated to facilitating research and training and awareness campaigns with the public on environmental issues to affect change, political and social, for the development of sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation.
Strategic Objectives
Goal 1: The RAAA has made the inclusion of proposals in the legislation for the disposal of highly hazardous pesticides and promoting sustainable agriculture locally, regionally and nationally.
Goal 2: We build capacity in men and women, through training and participatory research in sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation.
Goal 3: We have strengthened the regional coordinators of the RAAA in a decentralized management effectively and efficiently, to promote sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation.
Goal 4: To promote the development of micro, small agro ecological technologies and services, which operate on a competitive basis.
Major achievements
At the level of policy proposals and technology adequacy of policies and legal standards:
Propose and promote the promulgation of the Law-Promotion Ma-handling Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Contributing to the regulation technique for organic products -technical aspects of CONAPO.
Legitimation of the proposed conversion of agro ecological farming: influence on the viability of the approach on safe use of pesticides on consumers, legislators and academics. Clarify that the MIP is a step in the process of conversion technology.
Reducing the use of agrochemicals: Influence on the respective authorities for the disposal of most toxic pesticides.
Impact to ban the most and some chlorinated organic phosphorus as Parathion.
Participation activated to eliminate the use of methyl bromide.
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Technological innovation: research, validation of techniques for managing organic soils and pests.
Systematization and dissemination of alternatives for handling organic crops.
Democratization of agro-ecological knowledge in Peru: Access to updated information to partners and institutions in general. Training technical cadres at the national level.
At the level of development results, it is strengthening of the Network continuing its role as an open network at national level. Existence of a core of members who participate actively in the pan from the work areas.
Positioning of RAAA in Peru: National issues related to pesticides, sustainable agriculture and the environment.
Positioning of RAAA in Latin America: The RAAA is part of the Network Alternatives to the use of agrochemicals in Latin America – RAP-AL and Pesticide Action Network – PAN, and representing different various international fora on issues of agrochemicals.
Participation in groups a- CONAM. We are part of the National Pesticide CONAP-coordinated by Senasa MINAG.
Conceptual Approaches
Preservation of the environment, which is a guarantee of life for future generations, is essential to support the initiatives of social groups with whom we link.
Believing that biodiversity should be promoted with their potential comparative advantages, to meet food security in our country, incorporating regional and local players.
The transition to sustainable agriculture, our bet is the challenge of productive techniques of in-discriminatory use of agrochemicals, techniques and knowledge that generate environmental degradation affects the health of producers and consumers, limiting access to market and increases production costs.
Promoting healthy strategies such as the replacement of external inputs, we reduce toxic pesticide use, the low external input agriculture, through the integration of ecological pest management, soil management and ecological management of crops. Moving toward organic agriculture from the restoration of the natural fertility of soils and pest regulation through the management of agroecosystems.
Promoting gender equality and equal opportunities for men and women, as well as more equitable relations between the genders. It should manifest itself in women's access to positions of responsibility and leadership in the regional plans and projects, supporting their participation in decision making and the redistribution of roles with shared responsibility. In production, it promotes the decisive ones in the planning and shared the fate of their products.
Involvement as an exercise of democracy, considered as backbone-do processes in the development of the individual, so their skills, abilities and skills, but primarily mentally, fostering their ability to decision-making.
The promotion of a business in small and medium producers for inclusion in the process of modernization of agriculture. Promoting greater competitiveness and profitability of the productive activities of small producers, through innovation and efficient management of resources they possess.
Source: RAAA
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