Published: 09/13/2009 - Updated: 02/23/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
The abortion issue is very controversial, there are very different and conflicting views among the majority of churches and various religions (as the Catholic, Jewish, Protestants, Mormons, etc.) which have been clear about their position against of abortion, based on a fundamental principle as these churches and religions believe that life begins at conception and, therefore, from this moment the embryo is a living being, worthy of being respected and protected. By the same token, these religions insist on stopping the laws that permit abortion. However, it is noteworthy that within these groups, there are those who disagree with these positions, the Catholic Church, for example, has some groups that currently support abortion in the first quarter, based on the Aristotelian idea that the soul enters the body until after forty or eighty days after conception (St. Thomas Aquinas reaffirmed this idea).
The unexpected motherhood
The timing of motherhood is not always selected or planned, and a woman can react in very different ways. Regardless of age that women have, unexpected motherhood can be a great challenge and represent great uncertainty, doubt, confusion and mixed emotions. However, it is not the same unexpected pregnancy at age 34, for example, that at 15, it is likely that a teenager of fifteen years will require guidance and emotional support and much more attention.
What to do?
One of the many things that can cross the head of a teenager in this case is that she is not the time or age to have a baby, her feelings are overshadowed by something that can be really overwhelming, a baby when she thinks of boys, parties, travel or study. Many girls can feel instant and absolute rejection of the idea, and will not consider anything more than abortion. Others, however, are filled with confusion, torn between the idea of what they should do and want. The fault may generate criticism that can be truly severe.
What to do? Abort? Having a baby? No doubt this is an issue that the girl should look very personally, though often not possible because gains anxiety, confusion and above all win stress to the idea that the baby grows and maybe if she doesn’t take considerations, she cannot longer abort. However, she should always ask herself some questions like: What is the "worst" that could happen if I have the baby? What is the "worst" that could happen if I tell my parents, my friends, my teachers and others? What would my life be if I have the baby? Who would support me and who not?
Best in any case would be that the girl had someone close to her that could guide and bring calm to her heart, to tell her that exposing the idea is not so terrible, to be pregnant at her age, that others will always talk and criticize when they have nothing better to do and, moreover, a baby can be a wonderful challenge and a great to help her grow in many ways and discover beautiful things in life. However, this is often not possible and she will have to as for help, perhaps has the help of the father of the future baby, but most times she will have to take responsibility for her decisions and what she feels.
There are many very young girls, despite everything, that have opted to have their babies at a young age and are well supported by their families, sometimes by their partner and can study and even work, others have had their baby and have subsequently gave him/her in adoption. However, the decision will not always be having the baby, if she sought an abortion. In this case, the girl can seek remedies in haste, as clandestine clinics (where there is danger of bleeding, infection or damage) or search for "advice" to people who know little of the case and only want to sell products or remedies that could seriously damage your health.
Knowing that some decisions are sometimes very complex and very personal (often inspired by a host of issues such as knowledge and emotional maturity), and taking into account that this article does not attempt to judge other's decisions at any time but simply instruct and take into account the welfare of many girls, we say that the herbs may be an alternative to abortion, knowing to use them and with knowledge and wisdom can spare women exposed to many dangers that exist when it comes to abortion clinics unsanitary or through tablets and others. However, if you want to take this option, you must take into account that herbs varying degrees of toxicity, and the best thing is that whenever you are in doubt guided by an expert in herbal medicine.
Nature always has the potential, and there are many herbs that have abortifacient properties: oregano, quinine, bitter herbs, wormwood, the tansy, rue, parsley and fennel, among others. The preparation varies. In some rural areas, girls who want abortions infusions prepare pans with these herbs, drink as much as they can (which should be as hot as possible). We must always remember to have the support of a professional and do not exceed more than 4 days in the shots. Whenever present discomfort or bleeding that lasts longer than 3 days, consult a professional.
Whatever the decision of a teenager, an adult must remember that the emotional support and understanding is one of the greatest stimuli to succeed there. It is best to always accept the moment as this, help her (or help yourself if you do not have support) to accept the time and seek the best solution.
About the author
This topic surely bring problems when there are religious people talking about it, and well there are other people that believe that killing the fetus is something very awful and there are other people who have many abortions instead of taking care with other options. I think that the life topic is something that could never have a neutral point of view.
I can understand why this could be a controversial topic, but having come from an unstable upbringing myself, and seeing the suffering that it subjects innocent children to, I am a firm believer that if for whatever reason you feel you cannot properly care for a child – financially, emotionally, materially, however! – if this “lacking” could potentially create suffering in your child, then do what YOU (an already existent human) need to do.