Published: 04/24/2014 - Updated: 08/17/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
The fat that accumulates in the back, abdomen or waist is not only unsightly or uncomfortable for some people, but it can also be a clear demonstration of certain imbalances in the body that may have a very simple remedy, preventing fat build-up in the back and abdonimous regions.
Some factors leading to stored fat:
Liver malfunction, which processes fat poorly and leads to an accumulation in the body.
Toxin-saturated intestines due to poor diet, when processed or refined products predominate the diet, and also the consumption of a lot of saturated fat contained in cow's milk, red meat, sausages, flour and refined sugars or fats, to name but a few.
Working long hours or sitting in front of the a screen without rest, which causes inmobilization of fats and toxins and ultimately fat will get stuck in the body, especially if you have poor posture.
Prolonged and repetitive stress coupled with poor diet and anxiety, which not only causes the accumulation of fat but excess gas and bloating in the abdominal area.
A combination of bad diet, as these generate toxemia in the body.
Hypersensitivity, believe it or not, generates a special stress on the body that can cause fat retention. Being very sensitive generates a feeling of overprotection that leads to excess body fat, in order to "protect". This is a body language that should always be well taken into account if you really want to lose some pounds.
Remedies to lose ccumulated fat in waist, back and abdomen:
Besides exercising and drinking up to two liters of water each day, make sure that raw foods prevail in your diet, without excess sugar or seasoning and consider these secret remedies that may help you:
Drink hot Boldo tea, with squeezed lemon juice daily while fasting. This will help you to control the functions of your liver and it will help to mobilize the accumulated fat in your body.
On a day that you do not have many errands, try pineapple diet, eating only pineapple for a day, if you scald your tongue, it's worth putting up with it for a little while. You should also drink two liters of water a day and start this diet with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
Every day eat a large fresh vegetable salad dressed with extra virgin olive oil with lemon and a pinch of salt. In this salad you should include sprouts, alfalfa, carrots, a little beet (do not abuse), raw broccoli and other seasonal vegetables daily. The key to these is that you consume salads with extra virgin olive oil and at least 3 tablespoons lemon.
Try each day moving the waist side to side, tightening the abdomen and throwing the hip forward, back, moving in circles to the left and the right. Do this exercise at least 15 minutes a day, do it until you feel the muscle hurts a little, that's when you're really working the mobilization of toxins.
Before each meal, take a fresh carrot juice, avoid eating fruit with meals as if you eat fruit at lunchtime sugar can ferment foods and digestion will be slowed down and heavy. The fermentation of foods generates alcohol in the body, which affects your liver. Carrot juice will give you great body enzymes to digest the food perfectly and can evacuate excess toxins and fats.
Look at the things that make you feel bad or get angry, recognize them and learn new ways to flow with what you feel , stop waiting for others and learn how to meet your own emotional needs rather than expecting them to be met by others.
Drink green tea three times a day, one midmorning, one at noon and one in the evening. Green tea is a great cleanser, do not sugarcoat anything, but rather add a few drops of lemon to enhance its effect fat remover.
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