Published: 10/09/2007 - Updated: 06/25/2016
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries initiated a new campaign to spread the organic livestock sector among consumers.
La Junta de Andalucía, through the Directorate for Green Agriculture has launched a new campaign in the press, radio and television for the dissemination of organic livestock among consumers in the Community. This initiative is part of a publicity campaign that the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries started in March with a first phase focusing on the agricultural sector, and now continues to promote a specific farmer area.
With a total investment exceeding 1.5 million, the Board intends to communicate benefits of organic production in environmental and social terms as well as the advantages associated with the consumption of organic products.
The campaign, which focuses its line graph in the veal, develops during the month of October in general means in regional press, radio and television, to a total of 35 mounts. The slogan 'Eat organic food, take care of yourself and the environment' maintains and reinforces the message that Department of Agriculture and Fisheries spreads among the population through this Andalusian campaign and other initiatives such as the organic food for School, promotions in supermarkets, or presence at trade fairs in the sector.
Organic livestock reference
Andalusia is at the forefront of national and European organic sector, also in cattle, since has more than 50% of the national total of certified farms (1,267 in 2428. Statistics of the Ministry Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 2006). Also in the Community are 293,824 of the 489,222 head of livestock and beehives in the green territory.
In line with this importance in the ecological management of livestock, Andalusia continues to rise each year for the agricultural land production to over 530,000 hectares in 2006. Thanks to this strong growth, the Community has established itself as a power in the European agri-food sector as organic, as is evident in the XII Biocórdoba 2007 Fair, closed on September 29th in Cordobesa, the capital with the presence of nearly 200 exhibitors from Spain and Portugal and well received among importers of U.S., Russia or United Kingdom.
About the author
I just read an article about organic agriculture being promoted in Castilla de leon, which was wonderful news to hear. I wonder if all these provinces are working together and somehow sharing ideas in regards to effective plans. Do they share feedback with each other as well? And is this being implemented on a small scale as well, like family farms?