Published: 02/19/2008 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
Who would not want a skin that looks young and radiant at any age? Well, if we care, the skin may respond formidably during lifetime. Then we give you 10 golden rules to keep your skin always looks very nice and young.
1. Protect it of the sun: it is one of the factors that tend to dry out or damage the skin. When one is excessively exposed to sun or not taking care when one above, it affects levels deeply, affecting the levels of collagen and skin elasticity. Therefore it is necessary to use sunscreen whenever you're exposed too much to sun. Before you go outside, wash your face, apply a moisturizing cream with sunscreen.
2. Moisturize: A hydrated skin is a grateful skin and do not forget to take at least 3 liters of water a day. Get a spray bottle with water inside and put a little moisturizing cream. Shake well and spray your face with this water when you feel too hot or dry.
3. Daily routine of beauty: Every night wash your face with mineral water. Clean with a cleansing cream (if you use only mineral water) and hydrate well with a night cream.
4. Exfoliate: once every ten days, exfoliate your face. This is very easy. If you do not have an exfoliating cream, put a bit of raw oatmeal in your hand and spread on your skin and wet skin when you shower. You will see that is delicious.
5. Mask: You need to nourish your skin at least once a week with a mask. This may take only half an hour and the results are extraordinary. Actually preparing a mask is easy. Just mix two or three tablespoons of plain yogurt, a little honey and some fruits that we recommend below as you need or want. Liquefy in a blender to make it with better consistency, so it seems a light cream. If too thick, add a little more yogurt. Leave for about 15 minutes with the exception of those specified.
- Apple: flesh of this fruit is especially beneficial for skin with pimples or blackheads.
- Cucumber: for normal or oily skin or to cool it when it is exposed to the sun.
- Oats: to clean the skin and help eliminate hot spots.
- Melon: to help dry skin and normal.
- Papaya: Ideal for normal and oily skin. Apply in the face and neck. The papaya should not be left on the skin over 5 minutes.
- Banana: You can use banana to make a mask or you can apply directly to the pads of your fingers on your skin. This fruit is beneficial for all skin types.
6. Look yourself in a mirror: look as gather your frown, as you wrinkle your face when certain expressions of anger. Try during the day, watching your face, and if you are tense, gathered, or make gestures or postures frequently taken as straw, smoking, etc. Avoid it. Tell your face to relax each time you remember.
7. Laugh: laughter strengthens the muscles of the face, circulates the blood and nutrients for it. So as you can laugh.
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8. Juices and vegetables: Take many fresh vegetable juices, especially carrot, which contains much vitamin A, ideal for the skin. Avocados and olive oil are also very beneficial to have a beautiful skin.
9. Sleep: Seek the best sleep possible so your skin to rest and regenerate healthy, Get used to sleeping on your back.
10. Take vitamins C: This vitamin plays an important role in the process to synthesize collagen, improving skin elasticity. The external application of vitamin C or lemon or orange masks help to reaffirm the skin texture, reduce the pigmentation and significantly improve skin tone.
11. Consume vitamin E: is a key component in the structure of the body's cells and helps improve the immune system and prevent cellular degeneration. The external application of vitamin E helps to inhibit inflammation, triggers the regenerative process and heals the scars, and that this vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties. It is particularly effective in reducing scarring or in cases of acne.
12. Love your skin: did you know that every time you aware that your skin gets a trim energy? Did you know that every time you look in the mirror and accept you as you are, your body gets all this positive energy? So when you look in the mirror say beautiful things, and never mind if you have a pimple on your skin or doesn’t looks like you wanted. Instead of rejecting you, focus on accepting you and give thanks to your skin for the role it has in your body.
13. Stop worrying: If you worry excessively about something, then it appears that this becomes more problematic. Give your skin the care needed by relaxing and then if you have scars, redness, acne or whatever. Relax and trust that you're watching this and love your skin will respond positively soon.
About the author
There are many article that explain the importance of having a healthy body to keep the skin nice and hydrated, but of course beautiful, but even though that it seems that still are people that rely only in creams to maintain the skin in good condition, maybe this works for a while but not for ever
I love all the things you can do with natural products to improve the quality of your skin. Now that we are heading into Fall, and soon enough winter, I’ve been thinking of healthier ways to moisturize my skin. I am boycotting store-bought products because they’re just loaded with chemical ingredients.